Half of Americans now support impeaching Donald Trump and removing him from office, a new CNN poll reveals.
The new poll, conducted by SSRS, reveals that for the first time, Americans’ support for Trump’s impeachment and following, removal from office, is higher than Americans’ opposition to the process. Specifically, 50 percent of Americans say they support the House or Representatives impeaching Trump and, subsequently, being removed from office following a trial in the Senate. Forty-three percent say they’re opposed to it, and seven percent say they don’t have an opinion on the matter.
The poll, the results of which you can read in detail here , also compares Americans’ support of impeachment of Donald Trump over time. For example, in polling conducted during the week of March 14-17, 2019, only 36 percent of Americans supported impeaching Trump and removing him from office.
Similarly, the poll results compared Americans’ support of impeachment to previous presidents. For example, at no point during Barack Obama’s presidency did support for his impeachment and removal from office exceed 33 percent; for Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, a 2006 poll found that only 30 percent supported his impeachment and removal from office.
As for the last president to be impeached, Bill Clinton, just weeks before the House of Representatives voted to impeach him, only 29 percent supported his impeachment and removal from office. Though he was impeached, he was not removed from office following his trial in the Senate, and he served the remainder of his term.
The poll portends other bad news for the 45th POTUS as well. For example, 41 percent approve of his handling of the presidency, while 57 percent disapprove. Forty-nine percent of poll respondents say that Trump used the office of president to improperly gain a political advantage in his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Elsewhere, on the question of whether or not respondents approve of various entities’ handling of the impeachment process: 32 percent approve of how the White House is handing the process, while 55 percent disapprove and 13 percent have no opinion. For Congressional Republicans, 30 percent approve of the way they’re handling the process, 57 percent disapprove, and 13 percent have no opinion. For Congressional Democrats’ handling of the impeachment process, 43 percent approve, 49 percent disapprove, and nine percent have no opinion.
Last week, as reported at the time by The Inquisitr , a HuffPost/YouGov poll revealed that, at the time, 43 percent of Americans approved of how Democrats were handling the impeachment inquiry, 43 percent said they disapproved, and 14 percent responded that they weren’t sure.