Americans’ support for impeaching Donald Trump and removing him from office is growing, a new poll revealed by USA Today reports.
Prior to allegations of Trump asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden, Americans had been largely weary of impeachment. Indeed, according a June poll, at the time only 32 percent of Americans supported impeachment, while 61 percent opposed it.
Now, however, according to a poll taken Tuesday and Wednesday, 45 percent of Americans support the House of Representatives passing a vote to impeach Trump, while 38 percent oppose it. Similarly, as to the second part of the impeachment process — a trial in the Senate and, if passed by a two thirds majority vote, removal from office — 44 percent of Americans support convicting Trump and removing him from office, while 35 percent oppose it.
The poll results clearly reflect a partisan divide in support for Trump’s impeachment and possible removal from office. Among poll respondents who identified as Republicans, only 17 percent responded that they support impeachment. Independents are evenly split on impeachment, with 37 percent supporting, 37 percent opposed, the rest undecided. Among Democrats, however, 74 percent support impeaching Trump.
The poll results also show some rather unexpected responses from Republican respondents. For example, 30 percent say that Trump’s alleged request of the Ukrainian government to investigate Biden was an abuse of power. And 80 percent of Republicans say that the president is subject to the same laws that all Americans are subject to.
The poll also shows that many Americans don’t fully understand the impeachment process. For example, 51 percent of respondents said that American presidents have been impeached and removed from office in the past. In fact, while two presidents have been impeached — Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton — neither man was subsequently removed from office and both served the remainder of their terms.
Similarly, only 55 percent know that House vote to impeach is only the first step in the process, and that it’s then followed by a trial in the Senate. What’s more, only 62 percent know that it requires a two thirds majority vote in the Senate to remove the president from office.
As for the outcome of the process, Americans are largely unconvinced that it’s going to end in Trump leaving office absent failing to get reelected. Only three percent believe that Trump will resign before the end of his first term. Only 15 percent believe that the impeachment process will result in his removal from office. 29 percent predict that Trump will not only survive the impeachment process, but will be reelected to a second term.