SPOILER ALERT: This article discusses the Season 5 finale (Episode 16, titled “End of the Line”) of AMC’s Fear the Walking Dead . Please proceed with caution if you have not yet viewed this episode and wish to avoid spoilers.
Season 5 of AMC’s Fear the Walking Dead has not included a lot of main character deaths. As a result of this, according to a previous article by The Inquisitr , many fans were expecting a bloodbath.
What actually happened in Episode 16 of Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 is that the main group continued to negotiate with Virginia (Colby Minifie) as they tried to keep the main group alive. Virginia not only wanted to split them all up but only take those of whom she deemed worthy.
Eventually, a deal was struck by Morgan (Lennie James) that saw every member of their group join with Virginia’s group, the Settlers. However, by the end of Episode 16, Virginia shot Morgan, leaving him for dead.
The Season 5 finale closed with Morgan struggling to stay alive as he spoke of hope into his radio. Walkers approached him and the assumption is that Morgan will die as a result of this. However, fans will have to wait until the Season 6 premiere to find out for certain.
A recent interview with the showrunners for Fear the Walking Dead does not shed further light on Morgan’s fate.
“It certainly doesn’t look good for Morgan,” Ian Goldberg said.
“We’ve seen Morgan survive some pretty scary things in the past, but this might be the biggest test he’s faced yet.”
Also revealed in the Season 6 finale of Fear the Walking Dead , fans discovered that Morgan’s potential love interest, Grace (Karen David) is pregnant and that was likely the reasoning behind her illness and not the radiation poisoning like she expected. However, Morgan might never find out Grace’s fate if he succumbs to the infected who were towering over him when Episode 16 concluded.
When asked outright by The Hollywood Reporter , neither showrunner would say definitively whether or not Morgan survives into Season 6 of Fear the Walking Dead . Instead, they suggested that fans would have to “wait and see” what happens regarding Morgan. However, as yet, there has been no confirmation on the Season 6 premiere date, so fans might have a considerable time to wait until they find out Morgan’s fate.
THR also notes that when the main character of Madison (Kim Dickens) appeared to die in a previous season of Fear the Walking Dead , the showrunners were much more confident in revealing that she had died, which leaves some hope for fans of Morgan as they wait for the Season 6 premiere.
Season 5 of AMC’s Fear the Walking Dead concluded with Episode 16. As yet, no premiere date has been released for Season 6. Although, as previously reported by The Inquisitr , Fear the Walking Dead has been renewed for a sixth season.