It’s been a rough past year for Desperate Housewives star Felicity Huffman and her family. Huffman pleaded guilty for her role in the college admissions scandal and was sentenced to 14 days in prison. Huffman, one of the lesser offenders involved in the scandal, paid $15,000 for her daughter, Sophia Macy’s responses corrected on her SAT exam. Sophia had no knowledge of what her mother had done to help her get into college and was greatly hurt by her mother’s lack of faith in her. According to Vulture , Sophia still wants to go to college but she wants to get in on her own. Thus, she will be retaking her SAT exam.
According to a letter that Huffman wrote to the judge who presided over her case, Sophia had a dream of studying theater in college. However, her math scores on the SAT exam were hardly where they needed to be for her to be considered by her dream school. Huffman was persuaded by Singer that if she didn’t do something to help boost her daughter’s scores, Sophia would not get to pursue her dream. Ultimately, Huffman’s actions ended up betraying her daughter and causing great pain for her whole family.
Because Sophia knew nothing of the scandal, the SAT College Board organization has agreed to allow her to retake the exam so she’ll have a fair shot of getting into college on her own. If there was evidence Sophia always knew what her mother had done, she would have had to wait six months before she could take the test again.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, Huffman is now spending time with her family as she awaits her prison date in October. In addition to 14 days behind bars, she will also have a year of probation, have to pay a $30,000 fine and complete community service hours. All in all, her sentence is fairly light and will likely be one of the lighter sentences handed out in connection with this vast cheating scandal.
Should Felicity Huffman work again in Hollywood? Rumor has it, Hollywood won’t hire the disgraced star after the #collegeadmissionsscandal .
?Do you think she deserves to work again?
— The Talk (@TheTalkCBS) September 26, 2019
In a statement, Huffman apologized to all those she hurt through her involvement of the scandal, including her family.
“I am ashamed of the pain I have caused my daughter, my family, my friends, my colleagues and the educational community. I want to apologize to them and, especially, I want to apologize to the students who work hard every day to get into college, and to their parents who make tremendous sacrifices to support their children and do so honestly.”