On Wednesday night, the Big Brother 21 winner will be named. The finale will show the last part of the Head of Household competition, the final eviction, the jury deliberations, and the declaration of a winner. Spoilers have suggested that there may not be many surprises in store for fans, but viewers may not want to entirely give up hope yet.
As The Inquisitr previously detailed, Jackson Michie and Holly Allen will face off in Round 3 of the HOH battle Wednesday night. Sadly, Nicole Anthony will have to sit and watch this as she was knocked out by Holly in Round 2.
Since Jackson and Holly have been in a showmance with one another since Season 21 began, it seems like a longshot to hope that either one of them would take Nicole to the Final 2 rather than each other. However, Big Brother spoilers suggest that both Michie and Allen have had bouts of paranoia and doubt over this.
In fact, details Big Brother Network , Jackson’s paranoia has continued as these final few days have progressed. Holly has promised him she’ll take him to the Final 2 if she wins HOH, but she’s spent a fair amount of time with Nicole and that’s rattled Jackson. Granted, Jackson is close to Nicole himself, but Holly hasn’t seemed quite as paranoid.
The latest BB21 spoilers do note one bit of talk that has ruffled Holly’s feathers. Jackson has had a tendency to talk as if he’s guaranteed to win against Holly and she has not missed these insinuations. She’s confronted him about this, but it hasn’t seemed to cause any real problems between the pair.
Nicole knows that her chances at being in one of those two last seats are virtually nil. However, Big Brother spoilers detail that she’s still doing what she can to give both Holly and Jackson a reason to consider taking her.
As spoiler Twitter account @BB_Updates noted, on Tuesday Nicole made her play for why Holly should take her. Holly promised that she’s taking everything into consideration, and she even mentioned that she doesn’t like how Jackson assumes he’ll win if he’s sitting next to her.
Despite that, it seems highly unlikely that Holly really would ditch Jackson and take Nicole if she were to win the last HOH battle.
Nicole has also done her best to nudge Jackson to consider keeping her if he wins HOH. For example, Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds note that she suggested that he’d do better facing the jury as an individual rather than as part of a duo. He told her that he wouldn’t make a decision until the last minute if he does win HOH.
Is there really any chance Nicole could get into that Final 2? The Inquisitr talked with infamous Big Brother veteran Dr. Will Kirby, who has spent time with the jury. He says that none of these Final 3 should be fully counted out yet, and fans would likely go crazy if they saw this kind of shift Wednesday night.
Will Jackson Michie win Big Brother 21 as he seems to expect? Could Holly Allen beat him, and could Nicole Anthony pull out a shocker and end up going to the Final 2 after all? Everybody will see exactly how these last moves play out Wednesday night as CBS airs the last episode and people are rooting for some shocking moves to shake things up.