Hillary Clinton now supports impeaching Donald Trump following the revelations that Trump appears to have asked the Ukrainian government to investigate Joe Biden, People reports.
Clinton, like many Democrats, had resisted calling for impeachment, but now she says that the time has come to proceed.
“I did not come to that decision easily or quickly, but this is an emergency as I see it.”
She came to that decision in light of the Biden-Ukraine scandal. As reported by The Inquisitr , Trump spoke on the telephone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during which he reportedly asked him to investigate Biden, Trump’s likely opponent in the 2020 presidential campaign. Specifically, Trump reportedly asked Zelensky to look into rumors about Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. Further, Trump had stopped military aid to Ukraine before the phone call, although Trump insists the two matters are not related.
Clinton says this is as clearly an impeachable offense as any she’s ever seen.
“This latest behavior around Ukraine, trying to enlist the president of Ukraine in a plot to undermine former Vice President Biden or lose the military aid he needs to defend against Trump’s friend Vladimir Putin — if that’s not an impeachable offense, I don’t know what is,” she said.
Further, she called Trump a “reckless, corrupt human tornado who cares only about himself,” and that he’s a “clear and present danger” to the United States.
Clinton is not the only Democrat to have recently changed their mind on impeachment. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, for example, has steadfastly refused to pursue the constitutional process, saying that she and the Democratic Party should instead focus on advancing their agenda for improving the lot of the American people.
However, the Ukraine-Biden scandal appears to be forcing her hand. As The New York Post reports, she has since changed her mind and authorized an official impeachment inquiry.
“The actions taken to date by the president have seriously violated the Constitution, especially when the president says, ‘Article Two says I can do whatever I want,’” she said.
According to NBC News , multiple congressional Democrats have supported impeachment, and indeed have even voted for impeaching Trump the three previous times the matter was brought for a vote (all of which failed). The Democrats who have been the most vocal about impeachment have been from congressional districts that are considered “safe” for Democrats. However, in the wake of the Biden-Ukraine scandal, several Democrats from districts that could go either way are now supporting impeachment, and it was the support of those Democrats that convinced Pelosi to move forward with the impeachment inquiry.