Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has experienced impressive success for someone that was a political unknown before he registered with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) in 2017 to run for president. Although his campaign’s steady momentum has yet to break him into the upper ranks, he appears confident that he will be able to do so with the support he has continued to gain as he breaks into the mainstream.
According to a tweet by ABC News reporter Armando Tonatiuh Torres-García, Yang used a recent campaign stop in Adel, Iowa, to suggest that people who believe they know how the election is going to pan out are “full of sh*t.”
Yang’s positivity isn’t unfounded. In another tweet , Torres-Garcia covered Yang’s Des Moines office opening where the candidate revealed that his campaign earned more than double the amount of money in the third quarter than the second.
“We have four months to change the course of history,” he reportedly said.
Yang’s signature proposal is a universal basic income (UBI) of $1,000 per month for every American. While critics have attacked Yang for trying to purchase votes, the 44-year-old serial entrepreneur has stated that his plan is less about money and more about what it can provide for people. According to Yang, his plan is to ensure that every American has an unconditional floor to prevent them from falling into poverty.
. @AndrewYang told a crowd in Adel, IA, that anyone who thinks they know what’s going to happen in the coming election is “full of sh*t”.
Someone from the crowd yelled, “unless they say you’re going to win!”
“Yeah that’s right,” he joked. “Then they’re very wise.”
— Armando Tonatiuh Torres-García (@GarciaReports) September 22, 2019
Critics of Yang’s proposal suggest that his UBI is a means of eliminating the social safety net of welfare programs. In a recent conversation with The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur, who pressed Yang on how his plan will affect welfare programs, the presidential candidate said he would not touch existing welfare programs or decrease funding to them with his UBI proposal.
A recent article for The Atlantic described Yang’s campaign as economics-centric, which has drawn him a unique base of support from all ends of the political spectrum. While progressives fight against the “racism, nativism, and misogyny” they believe is driven by the rise of Donald Trump and conservatives believe that the president’s win was a response to the left’s increasing “political correctness” and “demonization” of previous American traditions, the report suggests Yang’s coalition often views the world a bit differently.
“And there’s a third group that thinks it’s all a dangerous distraction, a fight over where to place the chaise lounges on the Titanic,” the outlet wrote.
Yang’s UBI is proposed as a necessary response to the threat of automation he believes is hollowing the American economy of the most common jobs. He plans to pay for his UBI by taxing Big Tech companies such as Amazon that are believed to benefit the most from automation.