Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who also happens to be a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, issued a dire warning on the heels of an announced U.S. troop deployment to Saudi Arabia by President Donald Trump’s administration.
According to the Washington Examiner , Gabbard, an Iraq war veteran who currently holds the rank of major in the Hawaii Army National Guard, thinks the decision to deploy U.S. troops and missile defense equipment to Saudi Arabia after a devastating drone and cruise missile strike on state-run oil facilities could lead to a major escalation of war with Iran.
“This is the wrong decision that is more catering towards the interests of Saudi Arabia than it is to the interests of the United States of America and the American people,” Gabbard told the Washington Examiner .
Gabbard also explained that the deployment decision is part of a “cycle of retaliation” that could eventually lead not only to an “inferno of a war” with Iran but act as the spark that could ignite the powder keg the world knows as the Middle East.
The Hawaii congresswoman’s criticism comes on the heels of Trump answering a call for international assistance by Saudi Arabia. The kingdom, along with some of Trump’s top officials, have publicly blamed Iran for the attacks that were so impactful that they at least temporarily disrupted the global oil market.
As reported by The Inquisitr , Defense Secretary Mark Esper announced the deployment on the same day the Trump administration leveled harsh economic sanctions that primarily targeted Iran’s national bank. Esper said that the decision to deploy an unknown number of U.S. troops would be for “defensive” purposes and would “send a clear message” to the Middle East region that the United States is prepared to uphold international rules.
According to the Washington Examiner , Gabbard slammed Trump on Monday for his open offer to assist Saudi Arabia with military resources on the heels of Iran’s alleged attack. She called the move by the president a “betrayal” of her fellow soldiers before doubling down on her criticism, claiming Trump isn’t fit to hold the title of commander in chief.
“Offering to place our military assets under the command of a foreign country—Saudi Arabia—is a disgrace and betrayal of my patriotic brothers and sisters in uniform and to our Constitution. We are not your prostitutes. You are not our pimp,” Gabbard tweeted .
She has also blasted Trump for not striking a new nuclear deal with Iran, claiming that every day the United States goes without one is another day Iran inches closer to obtaining nuclear weapons, while saying that Trump’s strategy is “failing.”