The saga revolving around the paternity of Maria Kanellis’ baby has been ongoing for months, but it’s recently attracted more focus. On the latest episode of Monday Night Raw , Maria revealed that her husband, Mike, was not the real father of her unborn child. She suggested that Ricochet or Rusev might be the real father, only for Mike to be squashed by both wrestlers in back-to-back matches.
However, this seems to be the start of a storyline that will reveal a different father in the coming weeks, and it could even involve a non-WWE celebrity in some capacity. As noted by PWInsider , WWE tweeted out a graphic featuring Maria asking their followers who they think the real father is. The Maury Show — which is hosted by Maury Povich — responded, urging the couple to take a paternity test.
The report also states that there’s been internal conversations within WWE about bringing the talk show host to Monday Night Raw to oversee a segment involving the pair. The Maury Show is filmed in Stanford, Connecticut, which just so happens to be where WWE’s headquarters are based.
Povich would be a fine addition to the storyline, as his show is famous for revealing the true parentage of children on a regular basis. If any celebrity is qualified to carry out a segment like this on WWE television, it’s him.
cc: @TheMAURYShow #RAW @RusevBUL @MariaLKanellis @RealMikeBennett
— WWE (@WWE) September 19, 2019
However, it remains to be seen if the discussions to bring the talk show host into the fold were just a pitch within WWE, or if he’s actually scheduled to make an appearance on Monday Night Raw . The show’s social media response suggests that there’s something in the works with WWE, but we’ll have to tune in to the red brand show to know for sure.
The saga between Mike and Maria has brought some over-the-top soap opera drama to WWE television recently, and the storyline has become oddly compelling. Both superstars have put their all into making it work, and it’s been entertaining to watch it unfold.
Earlier this year, it was believed that the couple was unhappy working for WWE, but they still signed longterm contracts with the company that will keep them there for years to come. As reported by The Inquisitr , Mike also blasted the company for neglecting the Cruiserweight division, which he was a part of on 205 Live .
It will be interesting to know if he’s a fan of this storyline. While it features him prominently on WWE’s flagship show, it doesn’t require him to showcase his impressive wrestling skills.