Repeated polls have shown that Donald Trump, at least so far, has been no match for Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden, who demolishes Trump in poll after poll. Biden leads by as much as 15 points in one recent poll, as The Inquisitr reported, and is dominating Trump in a streak that has now reached 22 straight head-to-head polls since Biden made his candidacy for president official on April 25.
But even as Biden has relentlessly trampled Trump in the head-to-head polls, which ask Americans how they would vote if the general election were held today, Trump continues to receive charitable treatment from most major news media outlets. The New York Times even openly questions why Biden is even running, as The Inquisitr noted.
“Any other incumbent in his lowly polling position would likely be getting hammered by the pundit class as it dubbed his presidency a failure,” wrote media critic Eric Boehlert, after that recent New York Times article on Biden. “But not Trump.”
On Thursday, however, polling experts at CNN finally acknowledged what appears to be the obvious conclusion to be drawn from the Trump vs. Biden polling.
“Trump is really in trouble if you look at the polls,” said CNN commentator John Avlon, as quoted by the news site Raw Story .
The most recent poll pitting Trump head-to-head against Biden, a Fox News poll released on Wednesday, contained some of the worst news yet for Trump. The poll showed Biden leaving Trump in his dust with 52 percent of the hypothetical vote. Trump managed only a lowly 38 percent support in the Fox News poll.
CNN polling analyst Harry Enten said that since 1943 — two years before the conclusion of World War II — no incumbent president has trailed a prospective challenger by as wide a margin as Trump trails Biden.
“He’s the worst of any incumbent right now,” Enten said. Watch Enten and Avalon present their analysis in the video below.
According to the polling average compiled by Real Clear Politics , Trump trails Biden by an average of 11.7 points across all polls pitting the two against each other directly.
Other recent polls show similar results to the Fox News poll. An ABC News poll gave Biden a 15-point lead over Trump in the survey released September 6, while Survey USA saw the race somewhat tighter — but still showed Biden with an eight-point lead in a poll released Tuesday.
In the 22 polls since April 25, Trump has remained consistently non-competitive in the matchup with Biden, failing to top 45 percent support in all but three of those polls, according to RCP .