‘Big Brother’ Spoilers: POV Holder Furious Over Threats, Soon-To-Be Nominated Player’s Campaigning Backfires
Thursday night’s episode of Big Brother 21 will determine which houseguests make it to the Final 3 this season. Nicole Anthony won the latest Head of Household competition and nominated Jackson Michie and Holly Allen. However, the Power of Veto holder is the one with the ability to cast the sole vote for eviction, and this has shaken things up in the BB21 house.
As The Inquisitr previously shared, Jackson won the POV and he told Cliff Hogg he plans to pull himself off the block to evict him. While this seems to have come as a shock to Cliff, who thought he had a solid deal with Jackson, the idea that Michie would keep his girlfriend doesn’t shock much of anybody else.
Cliff and Nicole have been trying everything they can think of to convince Jackson to evict Holly. Until some of the most recent conversations, Jackson made it seem as if he was somewhat undecided. However, he’s told Holly numerous times that he will not be evicting her.
The latest Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds reveal that Cliff made one more last-ditch effort to save himself by talking to Jackson about jury votes. From the sounds of things, this strategy essentially backfired.
Earlier this week, The Inquisitr detailed that Cliff and Nicole discussed holding onto the argument about jury votes until closer to the eviction. Big Brother spoilers share that Cliff headed down this road with Jackson Wednesday night.
Big Brother Network explains that during the conversation Wednesday evening between the two men, Jackson confirmed that Holly is his “number 1” and that she always has been. Cliff questioned why they’d had so many discussions about trying to get the two of them plus Nicole to the Final 3, and Jackson said that last week’s wavering on whether to keep Holly or Tommy Bracco is where things fell apart.
Cliff promised Jackson that if he stays, he’ll take Jackson to Final 2 over Nicole. He also tried to convince Jackson that Holly might not make the same choice, although it seems unlikely that Jackson has any reason to worry about that potential development.
Eventually, Cliff brought up the jury vote argument. Cliff told Jackson that if it’s Jackson and Nicole at the end, Nicole gets his vote.
Cliff went on to say that he’d also give Holly his vote over Jackson and that Nicole might do the same. Big Brother spoilers detail that Cliff also mentioned that the next jury member could hold a lot of power in convincing the others which way they should vote next week.
When Jackson left the conversation, he made it clear he was furious about Cliff threatening that he and Nicole would vote against him over this upcoming eviction decision. As Twitter spoiler account @BB_Updates details, Jackson said to the camera that Cliff just made his decision much easier.
Jackson soon filled Holly in on the conversation and said that Cliff’s threats had sealed his fate. He noted that he felt bullied by Cliff and he also said that he might tear into Cliff in his upcoming POV speech.
Big Brother spoilers from the feeds suggest that Cliff was somewhat successful in making Jackson paranoid about whether or not he has the votes to win. Despite that, it doesn’t look as if there is any real chance that Cliff will avoid eviction Thursday night.
Will it be Jackson Michie, Holly Allen, and Nicole Anthony as the Final 3 for Season 21 of Big Brother? Spoilers about the first round of the final Head of Household competition will emerge soon after Thursday’s episode, and Nicole has a big fight ahead of her if she wants to be in the Final 2.