A Pennsylvania man is accused of using a drone to drop explosives and nails onto his ex-girlfriend’s property, Parkersburg, West Virginia’s WTAP-TV reports. Jason Muzzicato has only been charged with an aviation-related crime, however, and not with actually detonating the explosives.
Back in the spring and summer of this year, neighbors in Washington Township, Pennsylvania, were rattled by a series of explosions. Then came the nails falling from the sky.
Neighbor Charles Carcione says that he was minding his own business one day when nails began raining down from the sky, seemingly coming from nowhere.
“One day, I was… in the driveway doing something. All of a sudden, I heard them. It rained nails. They came out of the sky. They dropped down from the sky. Nobody was around. Nobody went by and threw them. They dropped from the sky,” he said.
Fortunately, there were no injuries and no serious damage. Several undetonated explosive devices were also found in the neighborhood.
Carcione says he suspected Muzzicato was behind it, and even went so far as to confront him. Carcione says that the confrontation was followed by more explosions.
Eventually, according to The Morning Call , police and even the FBI were able to pin down Muzzicato as a suspect. And when authorities executed a search warrant at his home, they allegedly found firearms and improvised explosive devices, as well as the mobile device that was allegedly used to fly the drone.
Muzzicato was taken into custody.
He’s since been charged with a variety of offenses and is a suspect in other crimes as well.
Specifically, he’s been charged with flying a drone not registered with the Federal Aviation Administration, with violation of the instructions of the protective order his girlfriend had taken out against him by allegedly having a gun, possession of illegal improvised explosive devices, and possession of methamphetamine.
Assistant U.S. Attorney John Gallagher called it a volatile combination.
“It’s hard to conjure up a more deadly or dangerous combination than firearms, explosives and methamphetamine,” he said.
Additionally, Muzzicato is suspected by victims in a handful of other crimes, major and minor. His ex-girlfriend has claimed that Muzzicato shattered the window of her car; a claim dismissed from lack of evidence. Neighbors also think he’s behind vandalism in their neighborhood, which includes nails and various fluids strewn about. Similarly, police suspect he may have modified his car so that it could shoot nails, ball bearings, and fluids at other vehicles.
This isn’t the first time a drone has been used in an alleged crime. Just this week, as reported by The Inquisitr , a pair of Dutch tourists was arrested for, among other crimes, allegedly having a drone in their possession near Area 51, the secret Nevada test site where popular culture suggests that alien spacecraft, and even living or dead aliens, are kept.