On Friday, it was revealed that Desperate Housewives star Felicity Huffman will in fact face jail time for her role in the college admissions scandal. Huffman admitted to paying $15,000 to have her daughter’s SAT exam answers corrected so she would score higher on the test and have a better chance at getting into her college of choice. The other famous face in this scandal is Full House star Lori Loughlin. Loughlin has been accused of paying $500,000 in bribery money to ensure her daughters, Olivia Jade and Isabella, a spot at the University of Southern California. If convicted, Loughlin will without a doubt face a far harsher sentence than Huffman, according to In Touch .
Huffman and Loughlin took two very different courses of action once the news of the scandal, dubbed Operation Varsity Blues, first broke. On one hand, Huffman immediately accepted responsibility for her actions. She cooperated with the investigation and accepted a plea deal. Not only did Huffman apologize profusely and show remorse for her actions, but she has appeared to do everything possible to make amends. Loughlin, on the other hand, hasn’t been cooperative and is fighting the charges.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, Huffman is facing only 14 days in prison, community service, a year of probation, and a $30,000 fine for her actions. However, if Loughlin is convicted she could potentially spend decades behind bars. She reportedly has every intention of continuing to fight the charges and clear her name but has also thought about the worst-case scenario, if she is in fact convicted.
The source said that Loughlin is hoping that if she is charged in this scandal she will be given only home confinement.
Lori is hoping to have “home confinement with monitoring via ankle monitor,” the source.
The source went on to emphasize that at this point, any plea deal Loughlin could take now “would involve significant jail time.”
Despite the very serious situation her mother is in, Loughlin’s eldest daughter Olivia Jade was all smiles while enjoying a recent trip to Disneyland with her boyfriend Jackson Guthy. While there have been rumors in recent months that the couple’s relationship has been struggling as a result of the scandal, they seem to be back on track and happier than ever.
“Lil monkey, I love you,” Guthy captioned an Instagram photo of him and Olivia together in August.
Olivia was formally a YouTube star but faced intense online backlash after being wrapped up in the college admissions scandal and hasn’t posted a new video in months.