Warning: This article contains potential spoilers for Big Brother 21.
Big Brother fans should expect the unexpected for Thursday’s live eviction episode. Just when viewers thought that Holly Allen would for sure be going home on her showmance Jackson Michie’s HOH, the tables could be turned due to some impressive scheming by Jackson.
As The Inquisitr previously shared, Jackson never intended to put his girlfriend on the block. He nominated Cliff Hogg and Tommy Bracco for eviction, with Tommy as his target. But after Nicole Anthony won the Power of Veto and took Cliff off the block, Jackson was forced to put up Holly, as she was the only player left. Still, Nicole and Cliff assured him there is no “funny business” going on.
But there is. With Cliff and Nicole poised to make a power move and backdoor Holly, a suspicious Jackson did some fast thinking.
According to Cosmopolitan , live feed watchers witnessed a stunning turn of events on Thursday, just hours before the live Big Brother eviction airs on CBS.
As full disclosure, Tommy reportedly came clean to Cliff and Nicole about the fact that he knew evicted Big Brother player Christie Murphy for years before they became housemates on Big Brother . But Tommy also pitched a Final 3 offer to the duo and vowed to throw the next HOH competition as a show of loyalty if they keep him safe this week.
Normally, this would be an offer that couldn’t be refused, but Jackson heard the whole pitch from outside the door. In what could turn out to be the genius move of this season, Jackson later reportedly went to Cliff and Nicole and claimed that Tommy told him he was going to offer them a fake deal and repeated Tommy’s pitch verbatim. Naturally, Cliff and Nicole now think Tommy did tell Jackson his plans and they fear he will backstab them. So now they are leaning toward evicting him and keeping Holly — and the showmance — safe.
If Jackson pulls this move off, he may have just won Big Brother . Not only is he a competition beast, but his lying skills are on point. And without even knowing this new scheme, at least one Big Brother juror thinks he will win the game regardless.
Last week’s evictee, Christie, has already predicted Jackson will go home with the $500,000 Big Brother grand prize.
“Michie’s going to win!” Christie said, per Gold Derby . “He deserves it. He’s amazing, he’s winning comps and he’s actually a genius. I don’t think he’s as dumb as he says.”
Big Brother 21 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.