The Real Housewives of New York City cast is enjoying the sights of Fashion Week and on Tuesday, Ramona Singer shared a photo of herself and her co-stars, including Luann de Lesseps, Sonja Morgan, and Dorinda Medley, as they sat front row at the Garo Sparo show.
Throughout the runway show, which featured cast member Tinsley Mortimer as a cosmic queen, all four of the ladies shared photos on their social media pages. Hours after they did so, Dorinda returned to her Instagram to share a photo of herself sitting on de Lesseps’ lap after arriving at the Pamella Rowland show, which had allegedly run out of seats.
While Mortimer didn’t share a photo of herself walking the runway for Garo Sparo, the designer posted an image on his account and offered a big thank you to the socialite for participating in his presentation.
“Thank you to the beautiful [Tinsley Mortimer] for being the cosmic queen closing my show,” he wrote on Instagram .
Although Leah McSweeney didn’t post any images on her Instagram page, she did share a video of Mortimer walking the runway for Garo Sparo on her Instagram stories, which seems to suggest that filming could have been underway during the show.
Rumors of McSweeney’s addition to The Real Housewives of New York City Season 12 cast first began swirling in August. A short time later, a source spoke to Hollywood Life and confirmed that while the fashion mogul has reportedly joined production, she was not brought to the show as a replacement for Bethenny Frankel, who announced her departure several weeks prior.
“The new cast member Leah McSweeney was brought in by Tinsley (Mortimer) who is her only connection so far to the cast. She was not brought in to replace Bethenny as she was already joining with or without Bethenny, ” a source close to the show shared. “The two are very good friends and everyone felt that Tinsley needed to have someone in her corner more and that’s really why Leah is a great, natural fit. Tinsley is happy to have her, especially with Bethenny being gone now.”
As The Inquisitr reported last week, rumors regarding Jill Zarin’s potential return to the show have been circulating for months. So far, Bravo TV has not shared any such news. Zarin was previously seen in a full-time role for the show’s first three seasons.
The Real Housewives of New York City Season 12 is expected to air on Bravo TV sometime next year.