Back in July, Teen Mom OG fans were shocked to learn that Amber Portwood had been arrested for domestic battery. The alleged incident took place between Amber and Andrew Glennon. Reportedly, Andrew was holding the couple’s 1-year-old son at the time of the alleged incident. MTV cameras and Amber’s co-stars were there for her court hearing at the end of July, but Andrew has not been filmed since the incident. Rather, he has been taking to social media to speak about his side of the story, but it looks like MTV may want to film with him again according to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup .
The report from the site claims a producer for the show reached out to Andrew via phone call about filming and that he was essentially “ambushed.” However, Andrew is still under contract with MTV.
“[A producer] called Andrew and asked if they could come and film at the house. It was messed up though because Andrew had no idea they were going to call, and as soon as he answered the phone, they told him that the call was being recorded to be used for the show, so he had no heads-up or anything.”
Andrew still resides in Indiana, living in Amber’s house with the couple’s son. However, as previously reported by The Inquisitr , Andrew is reportedly attempting to move back to California where he is originally from and wants to take his and Amber’s son with him. Amber is attempting to block the move.
As of now, Andrew has not filmed for Teen Mom OG and it is unclear whether he will or not. The site does report, though, that Andrew’s latest social media posts have caught the attention of MTV.
“They did tell [Andrew] that his contract forbids him from criticizing MTV. They were not happy about some of the stuff he was posting on Instagram.”
While Amber Portwood did not travel to New York to film for the Teen Mom OG reunion, Dr. Drew traveled to Indiana to film with her. It was on her segment that she alleged Andrew had already moved on with another woman. Following the allegations, Andrew took to Instagram to fire back when his followers called out a photo that had a woman’s hand in it. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Andrew explained that the woman in the photo was a neighbor, not a new romantic love interest.
The most recent season of Teen Mom OG recently wrapped up. Fans can tune in to an all-new season of Teen Mom 2 which will air Tuesday night on MTV.