Donald Trump Faces Major Twitter Backlash After Tweeting About Mark Sanford’s Affair With A ‘Flaming Dancer’

President Donald Trump took to Twitter early Monday morning to acknowledge a new Republican primary challenger in the 2020 presidential race and it didn’t take long for many on social media to respond with their thoughts. Trump did his best to mock Mark Sanford after he confirmed he’s jumping into the race, but the sentiment and a mistyped word on the president’s part generated a fair amount of mocking.

On Monday morning, Trump mentioned Sanford’s infamous trip to Argentina that involved someone he was having an extramarital affair with at the time. The incident happened in 2009 when Sanford was governor of South Carolina and the woman was revealed to be Argentine journalist Maria Belen Chapur.

Trump’s tweet was seemingly designed to remind people of Sanford’s past, but things went a bit off-track when he noted that Sanford was found “with his Flaming Dancer friend.”

It didn’t take long for many people on Twitter to point out that Chapur was a journalist, not a dancer. In addition, it would appear that “Flaming” was likely meant to be flamingo, which still would have been the wrong word to use. Trump surely meant to refer to a flamenco dancer, and that’s not an accurate depiction of who Sanford’s mistress was.

Others noted that calling out Sanford for having an extramarital affair was, perhaps, an interesting approach. As Business Insider has detailed, Trump himself has not hidden the fact that he’s cheated as well.

For example, it was quite public that Trump was involved with Marla Maples before he divorced his first wife, Ivana. There have been numerous allegations made against Trump for having affairs while married to current wife Melania, as well.

Responses to Trump’s Monday morning tweet about Sanford included numerous references to his alleged fling and subsequent payoff involving Stormy Daniels.

“Even The Onion wouldn’t have the imagination to have Trump criticize someone having an affair. Too outlandish,” wrote one person on Twitter.

“Yup, The good people of the Bahamas have lost everything, homes decimated, lives lost, have been denied coming to America without a Visa and Trump’s priority is to tweet about a man having a marital affair, a topic which Trump knows a great deal about..Lots of experience!!”

“A flamenco dancer, or an actual flaming dancer? I’m kinda confused,” quipped another.

As The Inquisitr previously detailed, Sanford announced his decision to run against Trump over the weekend. Bill Weld and Joe Walsh have also announced that they will run against Trump heading into the 2020 presidential election.

Clearly, President Donald Trump isn’t going to hesitate to criticize Mark Sanford as this challenge moves forward. So far, it doesn’t appear that Sanford has acknowledged or responded to these latest criticisms coming from the president.

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