It’s Week 10 in the Big Brother 21 house and Jackson Michie thinks he has a pretty good handle on the game at the moment. The final nominations are in place, and Michie feels confident his target will head to the jury house. Could he be facing a blindside Thursday night?
As The Inquisitr previously detailed, Jackson has been aiming to see Jessica Milagros evicted. Christie Murphy was originally on the block as well, but Tommy Bracco won the Power of Veto and pulled her down. In her place, Jackson put Cliff Hogg on the block with the understanding that this was simply a pawn move.
The latest Big Brother spoilers from the live feed indicate that Jess isn’t going to sit back and accept her fate without a fight. She and Christie have been working hard to turn the tables on this eviction plan, and they might have a better chance of success than some people would have anticipated.
The Twitter spoiler account @BB_Updates details that Jess approached Nicole Anthony on Tuesday evening and made her case for evicting Cliff. She said that Cliff and Jackson definitely have an understanding with one another and that it’s going to be a problem for everybody else.
Who do you think will go up on the block next? #BB21
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 31, 2019
Jess pushed hard for Nicole to see that Cliff might not remain as loyal to her as she’d think. Fans know that this is definitely the hurdle Jess needs to clear if she has any chance of seeing Nicole turn on Cliff. Big Brother spoilers detail that Jess told Nicole that this is her time to make a big move if she wants to win the money.
Christie also made sure to spend time talking to Nicole on Tuesday. She talked about how Jackson and Holly Allen have positioned themselves perfectly to string along both Cliff and Nicole together with Christie and Tommy. Nicole and Cliff have talked about that possibility a bit too, but it seems that Christie took it and ran with it.
As Christie’s discussion with Nicole continued, she emphasized that if she becomes the next Head of Household, she’s gunning for Jackson and planning to nominate Holly, too. She told Nicole that it all really comes down to her at this point, a position that is rough for Nicole to navigate as she’s been closely allied with Cliff for a while now.
Which #BBCliff is your pick? Retweet for hat. Fave for no hat. ? #BB21
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) June 25, 2019
At this point, Big Brother spoilers suggest that Cliff feels fairly confident. He mentioned that he plans to do a little campaigning, as he doesn’t want to get cocky. However, he feels sure he has Nicole’s vote in his pocket — along with Holly’s — and he knows Jackson would keep him in a tie.
Jess and Christie have also pointed out that if Cliff gets to the Final 2, he’ll probably be impossible to beat. They also feel that if they don’t manage to get Jackson out next, there may not be another opportunity. If they can convince Nicole to flip her vote, they would have the votes to keep Jess and evict Cliff, which would be a shocker to Jackson and Holly.
Will Nicole take this opportunity to change everything up? It seems fairly unlikely that she would do it, but it does sound as if Jess and Christie are having an impact with these recent discussions. Stay tuned for additional Big Brother 21 spoilers heading into Thursday’s eviction show that will reportedly surprise the BB21 houseguests with a double eviction.