Diamond and Silk love Donald Trump so much, they have apparently even picked up his penchant for threatening lawsuits against people who criticize them.
The online duo have gained fame for their full-throated support of President Trump, who regularly promotes them and even invited the two to the White House earlier this summer for a summit of conservative social media personalities. But they have also earned plenty of critics on the left, including blogger Bianca DeLaRosa, who published a piece on Wonkette calling them “BlackWhite Nationalists.”
In the piece, DeLaRosa called the duo “trolls” and accused the two black women of giving cover to white nationalists through their support of Donald Trump and continued insistence that his actions widely decried as racist are actually not racist at all.
“I have long despised both trolls; I’ve hated their hair, their animal print, their dumb facial expressions, their jiggin’ and jivin’, but most of all? I have hated the way they prop up the most vile white supremacy in our government, and it’s time to start calling that s**t out,” DeLaRosa wrote.
That earned the ire of Lynette Hardaway (Diamond), and Rochelle Richardson (Silk), prompting the duo to fire off a legal notice telling DeLaRosa that they would be suing for defamation. But instead of scaring DeLaRosa into submission, the Fox News contributors only ended up getting more mockery for themselves. The legal notice was widely panned for its many spelling and grammatical mistakes, and what experts called some very specious legal arguments.
The legal blog Law & Crime explored the claims, pointing out that nothing in DeLaRosa’s piece could even stand up as defamation. The report noted that Diamond and Silk demanded a retraction and claimed that the writer defamed them by “deliberately and maliciously attaching their name to racist context,” a legally incorrect argument.
“I sure hope these two get one of those fancy Fox News lawyers to look over their libel complaint before a judge starts assigning attorneys fees, because ‘attaching a name to racist context’ isn’t what’s required for defamation,” the Law & Crime report noted, calling the legal notice “hilarious” in how bad it appeared.
Others joined in mocking Diamond and Silk for the cease-and-desist letter. BoingBoing noted that the letter was so poorly written and filled with mistakes that it was difficult to believe it was even legitimate.
Diamond and Silk sent Wonkette a cease and desist letter and I cannot stop laughing.
This was a fun article. All the way to the end. https://t.co/iUWMYMrz6u
— Kimberley Johnson ?? (@AuthorKimberley) August 30, 2019
The letter also seemed to do nothing to deter Bianca DeLaRosa, who responded to Diamond and Silk’s defamation claim in another Wonkette blog post in which she told the lawyer, “Bring It, S**thead.”