In a series of Twitter messages posted on Wednesday, President Donald Trump attacked Fox News, slamming the conservative-leaning channel for providing a platform for Democrats to express their own views.
The president began his tweets by accusing the cable channel of “heavily promoting the Democrats” by letting Democratic National Committee (DNC) Communications Director Xochitl Hinojosa appear on a show hosted by Sandra Smith.
Smith, according to the president, allowed her guest to say “whatever she wanted with zero pushback.”
Trump described the situation as “terrible,” arguing that Fox News should not give a platform to Democrats, given that the DNC had blacklisted the network, refusing to let it host primary debates. According to another tweet by the commander-in-chief, networks such as CNN and MSNBC are “all in for the Open Border Socialists (or beyond).”
The president also mentioned by name Fox News personalities Juan Williams, Shepard Smith, and former head of the DNC Donna Brazile.
In another Twitter post, Trump accused the conservative network of “letting millions of GREAT people down!” concluding that his followers — the people he says he is fighting for — need to move on from Fox News, and look for a different news channel.
As Vox journalist Aaron Rupar reported, the president appears to be upset by the fact that Hinojosa — who went on Fox News to discuss the Democratic primary race — was not “blindsided” with Republican talking points.
The interview that set Trump off is one in which DNC comms director @XochitlHinojosa went on Fox News to talk about the …… [checks notes] …. Democratic presidential debates. Trump apparently wanted host Sandra Smith to blindside her with Trump talking points.
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 28, 2019
According to Mediaite , a number of public figures took to social media to respond to the president’s tweets, arguing that Fox News is not supposed to work for him, or his administration.
Fox political analyst Brit Hume and contributor Guy Benson responded as well, with Benson stating the following.
“We don’t work for you.”
Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, CNN’s Amanda Carpenter, and a number of journalists and pundits responded as well, ridiculing and mocking the president’s angry tweets.
Trump has become increasingly critical of Fox News. As The Inquisitr reported, the president has been attacking the conservative network for months, accusing it of “changing,” alleging bias, criticizing its polls, and attacking a number of its most prominent pundits — especially Williams and Brazile.
Days after dismissing a Fox News poll that showed him below 40 percent against all Democratic frontrunners, Trump embraces a fringe pollster that was once described as the “worst in the world”
— Vox (@voxdotcom) August 23, 2019
“There’s something going on at fox. I’ll tell you right now. And I’m not happy with it,” he recently said, threatening to not let the Rupert Murdoch-owned cable channel host presidential debates.
“I’m the one that calls the shots on that — on the really big debates,” the president said.