Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang took to Twitter Thursday to attack the media’s constant focus on Donald Trump. He suggested that the media focuses on Trump’s seemingly never-ending stream of “dumb ideas” to criticize and likened the relationship to a “reality TV show” — echoing his closing statement at the second debate, as The Inquisitr reported.
Yang has been critical of the media focus on Trump and has suggested on multiple occasions that Trump is a symptom, not a disease, of the problems that the United State is facing, which could be one reason that he has been known to attract former Trump voters.
A Economist/YouGov report suggested Yang — along with Bernie Sanders — is among the best at drawing Trump supporters among the Democratic candidates. During an NPR interview, Yang said he believes he is drawing former Trump voters because he is focusing on the problems of their communities — as Trump did during the 2016 election.
“I talk a lot about the problems in people’s communities that they can recognize,” he said. “And to me it’s a mystery why other Democrats aren’t focused on the same problems.”
He added that in his day, Democrats represented the working class, which he says in today’s economy are the people in retail, fast food, trucking, and call centers.
“The people who feel like their futures are being pushed more and more to the side.”
Donald Trump: “Here’s a dumb idea.”
Press: “Can you believe his latest dumb idea? I can’t stop talking about it!”
Trump: “I am rethinking my dumb idea.”
Press: “Good! Give us another one to talk about please.”
This is the reality TV show.
— Andrew Yang????? (@AndrewYang) August 22, 2019
During a recent Politico interview, Yang Gang YouTuber Russell Peterson spoke about Yang’s Trump supporter draw and suggested that people are disillusioned. He points to the fact that Trump was the “superstar” that was supposed to drain the swamp in Washington. He gave people hope that the unemployed would finally be able to return to work but the country only became more divided.
“Because he was saying he was going to go in and he was going to drain the swamp. He was a larger-than-life figure, you know? We all knew that there was a problem. We just didn’t know what that problem was.”
For Andrew Yang, turns out delivering a message of economic doom with a little self-deprecating humor can win over some people. Even a few disenchanted Trump voters.
— POLITICO (@politico) August 22, 2019
Peterson added that he believes Yang is right that immigrants are not the problem — automation is what is pushing Americans to the sidelines.
“We’re all being phased out,” he said, adding that he’s an ex-landscaper that recently saw a mower that mows yards on its own.
Politico reports that Yang will hit the debate stage in September and October alongside Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, and Julian Castro.