Donald Trump took questions from reporters on the White House lawn on Wednesday, and then delivered a speech to the 75th annual AMVETS (American Veterans) convention in Louisville, Kentucky, later in the day, as The Louisville Courier-Journal reported. But a video compilation taken from the two public events reveals a disturbing tendency by Trump to slur and mispronounce common words.
At the veterans gathering, Trump announced that he was ordering the federal government to forgive student loan debts for severely disabled vets, as The Inquisitr reported.
But his speech was marred by three notable instances in which Trump appeared, as seen in the video below on this page, unable to pronounce the words “armed forces,” “applicable,” and “obstacles.” And while Trump’s difficulty with otherwise easily pronounceable words appeared especially acute on Wednesday, he has experienced difficulty with common pronunciations, and even slurred words in speeches on previous occasions, as psychologist John Gartner noted in a USA Today op-ed published in April.
In the op-ed, Gartner noted that following the conclusion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, Trump demanded that the FBI now look into “the oranges of that investigation, the beginnings of that investigation,” a strange gaffe reported by The Guardian .
“Ubsurd,” “Armed Forca,” Appliculble,” “Obstulcles” — Trump had a hard time pronouncing a number of words on Wednesday
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 21, 2019
Gartner also recalled Trump’s unsuccessful attempt in a 2018 speech to pronounce the word “anonymous,” as reported via a HuffPost YouTube video, which showed Trump speaking the word, in Gartner’s rendering, “enenamas.”
“Missiles become ‘mishiz,’ space capsule becomes ‘capsicle,’ midterm elections become ‘midtowm’ and ‘midturn’ elections, and Christmas becomes ‘Chrissus,’” Gartner recounted, running down an inventory of Trump’s previous slurring of common words.
In another instance from 2017, noted by MoveOn video producer Sara Pearl, Trump failed to correctly pronounce the word “Nazis,” rendering the commonly used term as “Nozzies.”
— Sara Pearl (@skenigsberg) April 25, 2017
In another instance, captured on Twitter by Vox reporter Aaron Rupar, Trump was unable to correctly speak the word “heroin,” slurring the word as “heronalin.”
As the science news site STAT News noted in a 2017 report, Trump’s occasionally slurred speech and bungled pronunciations of common English words appears to be a recent phenomenon. Reviewing “decades of Trump’s on-air interviews” and comparing them with Trump’s interviews and public speeches since his January 20, 2017, inauguration, science writer Sharon Begley found, “the differences are striking and unmistakable.”
In interviews from the 1980s and 1990s, Begley wrote, Trump was able to speak in coherent sentences and paragraphs, even inserting “dependent clauses into his sentences without losing his train of thought.” But those abilities appear to have severely deteriorated, the STAT journalist wrote.