Legos spilled on a highway in West Virginia, forcing delays for few hours while workers picked up the mess. And it appears it’s all the result of one unknowing little boy.
The spill closed down one lane of the busy Interstate 79 on Sunday as colorful bricks scattered across the highway. Though the small toys pose a hazard to anyone walking without shoes, authorities said the highway had to be closed because the countless plastic parts actually created slippery conditions for the passing cars.
Transportation workers were sent to clean up the mess once it was reported, WDTV reported. One of those sent to help was firefighter Eric McClain, who took a picture of the Lego spill on the highway and uploaded it to Facebook.
While authorities said they didn’t know exactly where the Legos came from, but McClain’s Facebook post brought what appeared to be an explanation, CNET reported.
A user named Tiffany Lantz appeared to take responsibility, writing:
“Those legos belonged to my 11 yr old son they where in totes strapped to the top of the durango they fell off strap came loose he cried it seemed like forever but I tried to recover as many as I could cause I don’t have the money to buy him anymore.”
Lantz apologized to people who were stuck in traffic as a result of the Legos spill, though she offered no way to verify her story.
The picture of the giant Legos spilled out across the highway was uploaded to Reddit on Monday and quickly became one of the most popular posts, drawing more than 16,000 user votes.
There commenters seemed to have sympathy for the child who lost his Legos on a West Virginia highway.
“If I knew I was stuck in a traffic jam due to a lego spill I wouldn’t be the slightest bit mad and if I knew it was due to a freak accident and they belonged to some kid I’d do my best to try and help recover as many as possible,” wrote one user. “No child should have to go through the trauma of losing their legos on a freeway.”
The picture of the legos spill on the highway can be found here along with some discussion about the incident.