Warning : This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
A whole new week has kicked off in the Big Brother house, and it’s definitely going to be one for the books. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Jackson Michie took home the eighth Head of Household (HOH) of the season after winning the classic BB slip-and-slide competition Thursday night. The whole thing played out on the live feeds as Michie won by a landslide, with his showmance partner Holly Allen behind in second place.
The win was absolutely crucial for Michie and Holly, who likely would have been going on the block if anyone else in the house nabbed the HOH. Michie has been on the outs for quite some time now after breaking away from the Six Shooters alliance. On Friday evening, it was reported by Twitter account @BB_Updates, that Michie nominated Christie Murphy and Analyse Talavera for eviction.
For anyone keeping up with the live feeds since last night, these nominations come as no surprise. Michie had been mentioning wanting to get out Christie with Holly all day, and briefly thought about backdooring her, but decided to just go for the jugular. Michie doesn’t believe Christie can walk away with a Power of Veto (POV) win, meaning she will likely go home if he has his way.
If Christie is somehow removed from the block, Michie will likely replace her with Tommy Bracco, guaranteeing that someone from that side of the house goes home this coming Thursday. Michie has also considered the possibility that if Nick Maccarone is selected to play in the POV and wins, he might pull either of the two women down. The Tennessean plans on telling Nick that if he does so, he will put up Tommy as the replacement, which will likely scare Nick out of going through with removing one of the ladies. Nick and Tommy have become very close the past several weeks, so it might be safer for Nick to leave Christie and Analyse on the block if he takes home the POV.
Michie is convinced that Christie is the only person standing in the way of him winning the $500,000 prize. He believes she is the biggest threat in the house and is the mastermind behind a lot of the other side’s plans on who goes on the block and who goes home. If Christie and Analyse stay on the block after the POV ceremony, it looks like Christie will go home as of now. Holly, Nicole Anthony, and Cliff Hogg have already promised to vote out Christie over Analyse, with Jessica Milagros and Nick Maccarone being swing votes. Tommy will likely vote to keep Christie in the house. It will either be a tie or an overwhelming vote to get rid of the New Jerseyan.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday night on CBS.