Week 8 is kicking off in the Big Brother 21 house and spoilers from the live feeds reveal who won the latest Head of Household competition. Alliances have been shifting in big ways over the last couple of weeks and fans will be interested to see how the new HOH impacts things in the coming days.
According to Big Brother Network , Jackson Michie, Nick Maccarone and Christie Murphy were the early frontrunners in Thursday night’s Head of Household competition. Jessica Milagros was in last place from early on and it didn’t take long for Jackson’s lead to grow significantly. Spoilers tease that it took about an hour, but Jackson won Head of Household.
Jackson’s win sparked a lot of talk among the other houseguests as the rest of the evening played out. Spoiler Twitter account @BB_Updates details that Jackson and Holly Allen found time to talk shortly after his HOH win and she said she was ready to support whatever he wanted to do.
Michie said he is ready to make big moves, noting that they don’t really have anybody in their corner at this point. Big Brother spoilers suggest that his primary target is Christie, but he’s trying to decide how to go about making her eviction happen.
Fierce game, shocking betrayal, and an intense elimination. Watch the latest episode of #BB21 now: https://t.co/mDopXAtn7g pic.twitter.com/l9u5N8WBoM
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 16, 2019
Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds share that Analyse Talavera, Tommy Bracco and Christie spent a lot of time talking to one another about what they think will happen. Christie is worried she’ll be a target, but the trio also seemed to be trying to talk themselves into believing that Jackson would look to target Cliff Hogg and Jess over any of them. They also threw Nick’s name into the mix.
Jackson told Tommy, Nick and Cliff he wouldn’t nominate any of them, although he did talk to Cliff about perhaps being nominated as a pawn. Big Brother spoilers detail that Jackson mentioned the idea of nominating Jess and Analyse, with the hope that he could ultimately backdoor Christie. At the same time, he mentioned he might want to put Christie up initially and just beat her in the Power of Veto competition as a point of pride.
?? West Coast, it’s live eviction night! Are you ready for #BB21 ? pic.twitter.com/huhuXgLC0D
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 16, 2019
There were a lot of deals being made heading into Thursday night’s eviction and it’ll be interesting to see who keeps the promises made. A fair amount of the scrambling was due to the fact that some BB21 houseguests felt sure that Thursday would be a double eviction, but that didn’t happen. By the sound of things, now there’s a lot of uncertainty and mistrust.
Late in the evening, Jackson and Holly talked through the votes. He feels that he’s got Jess, Holly and Nicole set to vote the way he wants, which means he’d be a tie-breaker vote in a worst-case scenario. He’s not sure he trusts Cliff to vote his way because of the deals Cliff made to stay safe in Thursday’s eviction.
Big Brother 21 spoilers suggest that as Jackson called it a night he was leaning toward nominating Christie and Cliff, and perhaps even letting Christie know she’s his target. He might change his thinking heading into Friday’s nomination ceremony. It’ll be interesting to see if the weekend Power of Veto competition shakes up his plans.