In 16 consecutive polls since he announced his candidacy for the Democratic 2020 presidential nomination, former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has led Donald Trump in a head-to-head, general election matchup every time, by comfortable margins, in all 16 polls. In an average off all polls matching Biden against Trump, the 76-year-old, former six-term Senator from Delaware leads the 73-year-old Trump by 8.6 percentage points, according to RealClear Politics .
But in the latest general election poll pitting Trump against Biden, conducted by one of Trump’s personal favorite news outlets, Fox News , Biden crushes Trump by double-digits with the second widest margin of any poll yet taken. In the new poll, Biden leads Trump on a nationwide basis by 12 percentage points.
And for the 11th time in the 16 separate polls since Biden’s April 25 announcement, the former vice president in the Barack Obama administration reaches 50 percent support amount voters polled. In fact, in the Fox News poll, Biden comes in at exactly 50 percent, while Trump pulls in only 38 percent voter support.
The 12-point margin has been topped only twice: in an August 1 Investor’s Business Daily poll which showed a 54-41, 13-point Biden lead. And in a June 10, Quinnipiac poll, Biden also held a 13-point lead over Trump, 53-40.
But in the new Fox News poll, three other Democrats also perform well against Trump, beating him by clear margins, though falling well short of Biden’s overwhelming advantage. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders holds a nine-point lead over Trump, which is greater than his RealClear Politics average lead over Trump of 5.6 points.
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren leads Trump by seven points in the Fox News poll, compared to her RCP average lead of 3.2. And California Senator Kamala Harris holds a six point lead over Trump, according to the Fox News survey. In the RCP average, her lead over Trump stands at 2.2.
None of the other Democrats besides Biden wins at least 50 percent support in the Fox News poll, however. Sanders comes the closest with 48 percent to 39 for Trump in the head-to-head poll.
Trump has continued to swipe at Biden, asking on Saturday, whether anyone believes Biden “is mentally fit to be president,” after he earlier declared that Biden was “not playing with a full deck,” as The Inquisitr reported.
But Trump and his aides are reported to be privately terrified that his increasingly dire polling numbers spell serious trouble for the 2020 presidential election. According to a report by Axios , Trump’s aides fear a coming recession will rob Trump of his one remaining argument to stay in office — a healthy economy — and that Trump and his team are especially worried by negative polling results coming out of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, three states that Trump won by a combined total of under 80,000 votes in 2016, and which gave him an Electoral College victory.