Big Brother fans are not happy with a flopped twist that highlighted exactly how some players have an unfair advantage in the game. After Head of Household Tommy Bracco won the Golden Power of Veto and pulled Christie Murphy off the block, viewers were especially incensed because Christie had been voted on to the block by Big Brother viewers in the Field Trip twist. Now that Tommy’s power has overruled America’s Vote, fans of the CBS reality show are fired up, especially since they know about the duo’s past relationship outside the house.
After Christie was pulled off of the nomination block, Big Brother 19 winner Josh Martinez took to Twitter to lament over the doomed fate of fan favorites Kathryn Dunn and Cliff Hogg, the two contestants now targeted for eviction.
“I refuse to watch Kat or Cliff leave,” Martinez wrote. “How did this twist flop so hard?”
Several fans responded to the Big Brother star’s tweet as they pointed out that Tommy and Christie’s pre-show relationship goes further back than originally thought.
“Well when you cast two people who have been friends since childhood and part of their family for several years and not be part of a twist, giving them a huge game-altering advantage for the entire season, it tends to make things flop pretty hard,” one Big Brother viewer explained.
Many Big Brother fans were furious that Tommy won the Power of Veto and pulled America’s nomination off the block, as you can see by the reaction below.
Can we talk about how Tommy and Christie are childhood friends and this is total bs? #bb21
— Tiffany (@sunnytm9) August 15, 2019
#BB21 if Christie & Tommy weren’t childhood best friends! He wouldn’t have used that veto on her.
— Jade ????? (@JayduhFN) August 15, 2019
Still completely unfair that Tommy and Christie previously know each other and it’s not a twist. Production needs to let the cat out of the bag @CBSBigBrother #Bb21
— what do ya sha (@sirabe76) August 15, 2019
“Tommy winning the veto is almost the equivalent of me winning it myself” says christie…
Thats one of my BIGGEST problems this season… so unfair shes the only one with this advantage and it seems it will NEVER get exposed…. must be due to her “friend” in production #bb21
— AshleyMartin316 (@AMartin316) August 15, 2019
While Big Brother fans knew early on that Tommy and Christie knew each other outside the house — Christie previously dated Tommy’s aunt and had a bad breakup with her – it originally seemed they had been out of touch for years and weren’t friends before reuniting on the reality show. But recent tweets posted by Big Brother spoiler sites show that the two were Facebook friends who have known each other since they were kids. In one unearthed post, Christie allegedly described Tommy as a “childhood friend” turned “step-nephew” as she wished him a happy birthday.
“I love you so much,” Tommy reportedly replied. “I feel so lucky you were brought back into my life.”
The two Staten Island residents also appeared together in an Instagram photo in 2015, per Hamsterwatch’s Twitter account, but thus far the other Big Brother houseguests are blind to their past connection.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly , Big Brother executive producer Allison Grodner acknowledged the Christie-Tommy connection and admitted casting directors thought their shared history would add an interesting dynamic to the show.
“We liked what both Tommy and Christie brought to the show as individuals,” the Big Brother boss told EW in June. “We knew that they had a past together and decided to see how that would play out in the house.”
Big Brother 21 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.