A Big Brother showmance could be done before one of the two lovebirds even knows it’s over. Fans of the CBS reality show were enamored by Big Brother player Nick Maccarone when he asked fellow houseguest Isabella Wang to be his girlfriend just before her eviction from the game. Bella happily said yes, but several weeks later she is not happy with her man’s on-camera antics with Analyse Talavera, aka “Sis,” Gold Derby reports.
Bella tweeted several screen grabs showing Nick’s sketchy behavior on the CBS live feeds, one which shows him cuddling with Analyse in bed as they sleep together. In an angry response to the live feed night-cam footage, Bella made it clear that she is not supportive of Nick and his actions now that she can see what he’s up to while she is out of the house.
“I understand firsthand how being in the BB house can cause houseguests to feel extremely close to each other. Unfortunately, at this time, I can no longer support Nick and his actions. NO ONE deserves to feel second in a relationship.”
Bella stopped short of officially dumping Nick without his knowledge, captioning a second snap of him spooning with Sis by writing that maybe she and Nick “can discuss this once he is out of the house… and go from there.”
Bella also shared several quotes made by her Big Brother boyfriend as posted by a BB21 live feed spoiler accounts. One of the conversations revealed Nick said Bella wouldn’t care about him cuddling with Analyse because they’re “all friends.”
The evicted BB21 player retweeted the comment with a “mind-blown” emoji, Newsweek notes.
Bella later told her Twitter followers that it’s “hard to watch” Nick’s behavior now that she’s outside of the house. She also joked that maybe she will bring a date to the Big Brother finale in September. It should be noted that if Nick doesn’t make it to the BB21 finals, he will be sequestered in the show’s jury house for the rest of the game. Either way, Nick won’t see Bella again until the Big Brother finale next month, so he could be in for the biggest blindside of all this season when he reunites with her.
You can see some of Bella’s tweets about her Big Brother showmance below.
Big Brother fans previously saw Nick tell Bella that he loves her, and she responded that she loves him, too. Big Brother host Julie Chen promptly took to Twitter to weigh in on the love connection between the two players and teased that maybe it could lead to more Big Brother wedding bells.
Not long after they exchanged loving sentiments, Nick was in tears when Bella was evicted from the game. During the first few days after her eviction, he repeatedly cried on the live feeds to say how much he loves and misses her. But lately, Nick’s flirting with Analyse has been ramped up, and he has hardly mentioned his long lost love Bella at all.
Bella, who was rumored to have a live-in boyfriend when she joined Big Brother , talked to Entertainment Week ly after her eviction to admit she really didn’t want to get in a showmance at all on the CBS reality show.
“But Nick is a really great person and I love him so much…I definitely can’t wait to see him when he’s done with the show,” she said.
In a separate interview with Parade , Bella said she was ‘really, really happy” that she met Nick on the CBS reality show.
“I have no regrets,” she said of her Big Brother experience. “I’d do it again ten times over.”
Big Brother 21 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Tuesdays on CBS.