Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
The players have been drawn for the Power of Veto competition in Week 7. As The Inquisitr previously reported, Tommy Bracco placed Cliff Hogg and Kathryn Dunn on the block next to Christie Murphy who was put up as a third nominee for losing the America’s Field Trip competition.
If Christie is pulled off the block, a replacement nominee will not be named, leaving just Kathryn and Cliff up for eviction. If Cliff or Kathryn come down, a replacement will be put up, leaving three houseguests on the block for the week.
According to @BB_Update’s Twitter account, the players chosen to play in the Veto competition were Jackson Michie and Nick Maccarone. The men will play alongside Head of Household Tommy Bracco and nominees Christie, Cliff and Kathryn.
This could be the most complicated POV victory of the season so the winner has a big decision on his or her hands. If Cliff or Kathryn pull themselves down, one of their alliance members (Jessica Milagros or Nicole Anthony) will likely be put up in their place. If Tommy, Christie or Nick win, Christie will be coming down, meaning either Cliff or Kathryn will definitely going home.
Jackson has already declared that he will keep nominations the same, which will likely result in Christie’s eviction on Thursday. If the three players stay on the block, the votes are expected to go as follows:
- Jackson votes to evict Christie
- Holly votes to evict Christie
- Nicole votes to evict Christie
- Jessica votes to evict Christie
- Nick votes to evict Cliff
- Analyse votes to evict Cliff
Four houseguests will not vote this week because they are either on the block or are the current HOH. If Christie is pulled off the block, there will be serious deliberation regarding who is going home between Cliff and Kathryn. Both have won game competitions and both have tremendous social games.
The Cliff’s Angels alliance has not yet discussed who they will send home from their pack in the event that Christie is removed from the block. It’s a bridge they will need to cross when they get there, and it will dramatically affect the game.
The Power of Veto competition is currently underway. Stay tuned with The Inquisitr for spoilers regarding the winner tonight, and the results of the Veto meeting Sunday.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday nights on CBS.