It’s not unusual for houseguests in Big Brother to talk smack about one another. That is basically all the show consists of these days. Once in a while, however, a houseguests rant can really peeve the viewers and that’s just what’s happening today with Nick Maccarone. Last night Nick went on quite the rant when speaking with roommates Christie Murphy, Analyse Talavera and Tommy Bracco.
Nick was noticeably upset about the other side of the house, which consists of Kathryn Dunn, Jessica Milagros and Cliff Hogg. While Nicole Anthony is on the other side of the house as well, Nick has bonded with her over the last few weeks and considers her his “ride-or-die.”
Twitter spoiler account, @BB_Updates, documented Nick’s speech last night which has fans, and even some alumni of the game, very upset this morning.
“None of these f***ing dorks ain’t taking us out. Get the f*** out of here. F*** your f***ing Black Widow bulls***. I f***ing will f***ing self evict before Jess gets me out of this f***ing game.”
Nick calling the other side of the house “dorks” because they are outsiders and don’t hang out with the season’s popular players, makes a lot of fans angry. His obsessive use of the F-word is also rubbing fans the wrong way, as this behavior has been totally unnecessary. Analyse even commented to Nick during a conversation last night that he needed to take it easy with the profanity because producers wouldn’t be able to use a lot of his conversations on the show.
Big Brother Season 15 winner Andy Herren wasn’t happy with Nick’s rant last night as well.
“If I’ve learned one valuable lesson in life, it is that as you get older your dork friends are truly the people who matter and who you should hold on to. The popular kids will always be looking for something bigger and better. Here’s to hoping a dork takes Nick out,” Andy responded on Twitter .
Fans and viewers began commenting that Nick must have been the “dork” in high school and now he’s just trying to fit in with the cool kids in a different environment. This is yet another time that Nick’s job has been brought up by the fans, who feels he is unfit to be a mental health therapist for children. Nick has discussed working with children in pre-interviews, but it’s never been confirmed that he does hold some kind of job counseling children at this time. Nevertheless, some viewers are still hoping he is fired if he does.
“I’m not one who would ever go write a s****y review of someone’s business, or contact someone’s employer over their behavior in BB , but if Nick does have a job as a child therapist, I pray he gets fired after seeing his predatory, bullying behavior. He shouldn’t be around kids,” one fan said on Twitter late Friday night.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday night on CBS.