Warning : This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
A lot has happened this week in the Big Brother house. On Thursday night’s live eviction episode, Tommy Bracco was crowned the seventh Head of Household (HOH) of the season after a very simple and quick competition. Tommy’s victory continues the tradition of a different HOH each week this season since no houseguest has held the title twice.
On Friday evening, the houseguests were filled in on the America’s Field Trip twist where three players would compete in a special competition. As The Inquisitr previously reported, Jackson Michie, Christie Murphy, and Analyse Talavera were selected by America to compete in the comp where one houseguest would be granted safety for the week, one would receive punishment and the other would be put on the block as a special third nominee.
Jackson came in first with Analyse in second, meaning Christie was placed on the block as a third nominee before Tommy even put up his own two houseguests for eviction. Later that night, Tommy put up Cliff Hogg and Kathryn Dunn for eviction, according to the @BB_Updates Big Brother spoiler account on Twitter .
Tommy had been discussing putting Cliff and Kathryn on the block throughout the day, so his nominations didn’t come as much of a surprise. Tommy is still tight with Analyse and Nick Maccarone, as well as Jessica Milagros. This only left a few options for Tommy, meaning Cliff and Kathryn likely never stood a chance.
After nominations, Kathryn was spotted crying as she covered herself in a blanket in the boat room.
“I hate being on the block again, I hate being next to Cliff, and I think the worst part is that last week everything was so good,” Kathryn said to her alliance member Jess.
Jess reminded Kathryn there was still the Veto competition this weekend, which the blonde has already nabbed once. It also bodes well for Kathryn that Christie is on the block next to her. For now, Nicole, Jess, Jackson, and Holly Allen would likely vote Christie out of the house come Thursday if she is still sitting on the block. Analyse and Nick just don’t have the votes to evict anyone else, so Kathryn shouldn’t count herself out just yet.
Stay tuned with The Inquisitr this weekend to see spoilers from the Veto ceremony and meeting.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday night on CBS.