New Big Brother 21 spoilers have emerged after the live feeds were down for much of the afternoon, and the houseguests are buzzing over the latest developments. Tommy Bracco is the Head of Household for Week 7, but his plans could be thrown off-course by the “America’s Field Trip” voting that fans did this week ahead of the nominations.
As Big Brother Network notes, viewers have been voting for the past week on this “America’s Field Trip” twist. One houseguest would be guaranteed safety, one would receive punishment, and another would be on the block for nomination. As a result of this twist, there will be three nominees for Week 7.
The feeds were down for about four hours as the houseguests faced learning the results of this viewer poll. Big Brother spoilers reveal that the feeds are now back and Jackson Michie is guaranteed safety this week. Analyse Talavera will receive a punishment, and Christie Murphy will be the third nominee.
Tommy spent much of Thursday night after winning HOH, discussing the possible plans of attack for his Week 7 nominations. He didn’t reveal much regarding his plans to many people, but as the night ended, it was looking likely that he would nominate Cliff Hogg and Kathryn Dunn.
? #BB21
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 5, 2019
After the “America’s Field Trip” poll results were revealed, Christie admitted she was feeling nervous about being a nominee. According to spoiler Twitter account @BB_Updates, Nick Maccarone promised he’d gun for the Power of Veto to save her, and Big Brother spoilers detail that he quickly connected with Tommy to discuss the situation.
Tommy and Nick agreed that neither of them wants to see Christie evicted this week. Tommy noted that he thinks the best plan is to nominate Cliff and Kat, with Kat being the eviction target. The nominations should be made official soon, but the upcoming Power of Veto competition could throw another wrench into Tommy’s agenda for Week 7.
It gets worse before it gets better, right? #BB21
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 1, 2019
While Nick and Tommy are determined to keep Christie safe, it wouldn’t necessarily be all that difficult for other BB21 houseguests to make her eviction happen. Of course, the POV competition and ceremony could change everything. At this point, however, Holly, Jackson, Nicole, and Jessica could band together and evict Christie if they agreed to go that route.
Big Brother 21 spoilers from the live feeds reveal that Christie Murphy took the news of her guaranteed nomination pretty hard, but there is a lot of game to be played before she faces an actual eviction. Alliances were shaken up last week, and fans will now be anxious to see how the dust settles as Week 7 gets going. Stay tuned for additional teasers to see how safe Christie and Kat are in the days ahead.