Wednesday night brings a new episode of Big Brother 21 , and spoilers suggest that there will be some intense moments airing. Fans who follow the live feeds are already up to speed on most of what will be shown in this August 7 show, but a few additional BB21 teasers have come together throughout the course of the day.
Jessica Milagros won Head of Household for Week 6, and it looks like she has managed to do what Cliff Hogg couldn’t pull off a couple of weeks ago. She nominated Jackson Michie and Jack Matthews for eviction, and as The Inquisitr shared earlier, she also won the Power of Veto to ensure that both Jack and Jackson stayed on the block.
Until now, these two nominees have been a part of the same alliance. As Big Brother Network recaps, the alliance started out as “Gr8ful” and then morphed into “Unde9ble.” That grouping didn’t stick together for long, though, and now the remnants of the “Six Shooters” alliance looks to be imploding as well.
Even though Cliff’s Angels don’t have Jack out the door yet, Big Brother spoilers share that they are already starting to look ahead to the next eviction. At this point, it would seem they think they want to target Christie Murphy for next. However, they may aim to nominate Analyse Talavera and Tommy Bracco first and backdoor Christie.
The underdogs are calling the shots, and two former allies are on the block. Who will take home the Veto win? Find out tonight at 9/8c: #BB21
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 7, 2019
Cliff’s Angels also are considering trying to pull Holly Allen into their alliance. If they are successful, that should give them Jackson’s vote too. Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds note that Jackson is already now at odds with his former alliance mates, which means they probably will be gunning for him too. This is good news for Cliff and his ladies regardless of who wins the next Head of Household.
As spoiler Twitter account @BB_Updates points out, Jack knows that he’s facing an uphill battle if he expects to avoid eviction. However, he’s not giving up.
Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds suggest that perhaps Jack should worry at least somewhat about some of the votes he thinks he has locked up. For example, Tommy mentioned to Nick Maccarone that if the votes will go to keep Jackson, he might vote that way too to prove his loyalty. He asked Nick to let him know how he’s voting, even if it’s at the last minute.
Jackson talked with Kat Dunn and Nicole Anthony on Wednesday afternoon, ensuring that they are all leaning the same way in terms of votes and targets. Many of the houseguests suspect there will be a double eviction coming Thursday night, so they’re trying to get their ducks in a row now.
Started from the bottom now we’re here. ? #BB21
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 5, 2019
Jack was pushing Cliff hard to make some deals Wednesday afternoon, promising he’d throw a lot of power Cliff’s way if he was kept safe. Cliff saw this coming and promised his alliance he wouldn’t be swayed, and Big Brother spoilers from the feeds detail that he didn’t take long to fill Jackson in on what Jack had presented.
Cliff later filled Nicole in on Jack’s proposition, noting that he won’t be taking the deal. However, Big Brother spoilers share that he told Jack he’d give him an answer Thursday afternoon and Jack thinks he might accept it.
At this point, it certainly looks as if Jack Matthews is headed to the jury house. Cliff, Nicole, Kat, and Holly don’t seem to be entertaining any real thoughts of switching their votes. Nick remains something of a wild card, but Big Brother spoilers from the feeds suggest that Tommy — and perhaps even Christie — might end up bailing on trying to save Jack if it’s clear it won’t work.
The votes will be revealed during Thursday night’s show, and Big Brother 21 spoilers tease that things could get pretty intense as the houseguests face what comes next. Fans had been hoping for things to get a little crazy, and it looks like it might finally be happening.