Last Thursday night’s live eviction show on Big Brother was a run-of-the-mill broadcast until host Julie Chen let the viewers know that all-out war broke out in the house just hours before they went live. Since the live feeds are down before an eviction, fans weren’t able to see what transpired on their CBS All Access apps and had to wait for Sunday night’s episode to see what went down.
It all started when Jackson Michie made a comment to Jack Matthews that Kathryn Dunn and Holly Allen knew each other prior to coming into the game. Michie was questioning Christie Murphy and Tommy Bracco and if they could trust them going forward, and Jack took the conversation immediately to Tommy. Tommy then suggested that Michie also knew the women before coming into the house and labeled them a trio. CBS posted part of the explosive fight on their Twitter feed during the episode.
Christie was then let in on the news that Jackson didn’t think she was trustworthy, which spiraled her into paranoia. Shortly after, the houseguests decided to flip the votes and evict Kathryn from the house and keep Sam Smith safe. Many of the houseguests seemed on board, but things only got worse from there.
After overhearing a conversation, Holly Allen let Michie know that the house was planning to flip the vote. Holly then approached Tommy and asked if people were flipping, to which he couldn’t give a straight answer.
“This is a really hard game.” #BBJack #BB21
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 5, 2019
Just two hours before the live vote, Holly and Tommy met in the boat room and that’s where things all went downhill. Tommy let her know that the house knows about the trio when Jack, Christie, and Michie entered the room separately.
Christie immediately went for Michie and asked what his problem was with her. The Six Shooters officially dissolved in a matter of minutes after they all went at one another in the boat room. The idea that Kathryn and Holly knew each other kept being brought up as voices raised. It was all very ironic since Christie and Tommy are the houseguests who really knew each other before the show, but that, of course, is still being kept a secret.
Doors slammed, voices were raised, and somehow a conversation about nothing turned into a fight about everything. Eventually, the house decided to go through with the original plan to evict Sam, but things will never be the same in the Big Brother house this season.
Big Brother airs Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday nights on CBS.