Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
There’s a lot of campaigning going on in the Big Brother house this week, as two whales of the season are currently sitting on the block. Jessica Milagros nominated Jackson Michie and Jack Matthews for eviction, and she secured their spots on the block by nabbing the Power of Veto for herself. Although the Veto meeting has not happened yet, she is expected to keep her nominations the same, meaning one of the Jacks is going home.
Christie Murphy, Analyse Talavera, and Tommy Bracco are fighting hard to keep Jack in the game, while Cliff’s Angels (Cliff Hogg, Kathryn Dunn, Nicole Alexander, Jessica) are looking to keep Michie safe this week. Nick Maccarone has become a wild card and no one is sure where his vote lies, but it’s Kathryn who seems to have a target on her back for next week. Big Brother Daily has documented some of the conversations suggesting Kathryn needs to go next week on their Twitter feed.
The remainder of the Six Shooters alliance feels like Kathryn should be voting to evict Michie since she has had a tumultuous relationship with him throughout the season. They’ve caught wind that she plans on keeping Michie and voting out Jack, which has perturbed Christie, Tommy, and Analyse beyond belief. Both Christie and Analyse have confirmed that they will put Kathryn on the block next week if they become Head of Household.
There were also conversations involving Tommy where he noted that Kathryn owed him for the Hawaii trip she won during this week’s POV competition. Viewers won’t see how that all went down until Wednesday night’s episode, but Tommy believes he could have kept the Hawaii trip for himself, but he let Kathryn have it.
Cliff’s Angels have proven to be a powerful alliance this week, and have Michie and Holly Allen on their side as well. None of these members plan on putting up Kathryn next week if they win the HOH, and are looking to target Christie next, followed by Tommy. The alliance doesn’t fear a physical or mental threat from Analyse and will likely save her for last when it comes to who to put on the block.
There is still time for Kathryn to change her vote this week, but she appears strong in her convictions to stick with Cliff’s Angels and vote out Jack. There are expected to be some serious fights between Kathryn and the other side as fallout when Jack is evicted, but it doesn’t appear to be anything she can’t handle.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday nights on CBS.