Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
Week 5 of Big Brother is in full swing as a new Head of Household (HOH) has been crowned following Thursday night’s live eviction. As The Inquisitr reported earlier today, Holly Allen was crowned the fifth HOH of the season after outlasting her other houseguests in a lengthy endurance competition. Analyse Talavera held strong for over two hours, but just couldn’t outdo her Six Shooter alliance member.
Preliminary discussions about nominations suggested that Holly was probably going to nominate Sam Smith and Nick Maccarone. Holly’s showmance partner, Jackson Michie, has been in Holly’s ear for the entire day, which many of the other houseguests feared would happen if she won. Campaigning and damage control was attempted by many of the other houseguests after Sam suggested some of the bottom feeders go home first, since he was in the Unde9able alliance with Holly.
The bottom feeders that have been referred to are those outside of the Gr8ful alliance. These players are Nicole Anthony, Jessica Milagros, and Cliff Hogg. Despite putting Jackson on the block last week, Cliff didn’t appear to be a target for Holly.
According to Big Brother Update’s Twitter account, Holly ended up nominating Sam and Nick. Both these houseguests have the opportunity to win the Power of Veto competition later this week, and Christie Murphy’s power could still come into play. Unless Christie is planning to turn on her Six Shooters alliance and pull one of the biggest blindsides in Big Brother history, she likely will not use her power this week.
Christie holds the Diamond Power of Veto, which allows the Veto holder to choose which player goes on the block as a replacement nominee. While it is Christie’s power, the power doesn’t fully lie in her own hands unless she is the POV winner for the week.
This is the first time on the block for both Sam and Nick. After the nomination ceremony, it was noted on the live feeds that Sam was fairly ticked off with his name being put on the wall, but Nick seemed prepared for it. Conversations also documented from the live feeds suggested that most of the house wanted Nick and Sam put on the block, solidifying Holly’s first thoughts.
The Power of Veto competition is expected to play out Sunday or Monday.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights on CBS.