Spoiler alert: This article discusses the Walking Dead comics. Please proceed with caution if you have not yet read all available issues and wish to avoid spoilers.
AMC’s The Walking Dead franchise, which is based off the comic book series by Robert Kirkman, has a number of spin-off projects in the works. From Fear the Walking Dead to the upcoming movie based on Rick Grimes, viewers have plenty to occupy themselves with. Now, it has been revealed that there might also be a Negan spin-off up for consideration.
At the recent Walking Dead Q&A panel at San Diego Comic-Con, AMC announced details of the upcoming movie about Rick Grimes as well as further information about a currently unnamed new spin-off series featuring two female protagonists. Now, according to Forbes , there is potentially another spin-off in negotiations with AMC.
This new project would focus on Negan, who is played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan in the television series. Currently, this spin-off has only been discussed at the company, and nothing has been greenlit by AMC. However, considering how eager the network is to expand the Walking Dead universe, this could be a good avenue to follow.
“I know that it’s been discussed,” Jeffrey Dean Morgan revealed at San Diego Comic-Con.
“I, we gotta do it before I get any older, I mean, pretty soon I’m not gonna be able to be the young Negan anymore.”
There’s been speculation that the Negan spin-off could focus on the Here’s Negan limited-run comics that delved into character’s backstory, which would explain why Morgan stressed the need to start production sooner rather than later.
Forbes suggests that it seems more likely that the Negan spin-off would be better suited to a movie, or set of movies, rather than a series, especially if the project chooses to look at Negan’s journey from the beginning of the apocalypse through to when viewers met him as the leader of the Saviors in AMC’s The Walking Dead .
In addition to the network being open to a Negan spin-off, it is believed that The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman might also be considering it as a comic spin-off.
While the comics recently concluded — a move that shocked fans all over — Kirkman has revealed that Negan is still alive, even if he wasn’t mentioned in the final comic. In addition, he has also suggested that he could, at some stage, return to The Walking Dead with a Negan-centric story. However, as the time of writing, Kirkman has not expanded given any storyline details. so fans will just have to wait for further news pertaining to a Negan spin-off.
At the franchise’s panel at San Diego Comic-Con, the new trailer for Season 10 was released, which you can view below.
Season 10 of The Walking Dead premieres on AMC on October 6.