The Big Brother Season 21 houseguests are scrambling as Week 4 gets serious, and on Monday, the Power of Veto ceremony gave the BB21 players a lot to buzz about. Spoilers tease that some contestants had some anxiety heading into this POV ceremony, but now the final nominations have been determined.
Warning! Big Brother 21 spoilers ahead!
According to Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds, the Power of Veto was used as expected during Monday’s ceremony. This means that Head of Household Cliff Hogg needed to choose a replacement nominee, and there was some speculation that a power might come into play here.
Cliff originally nominated Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie for eviction in Week 4. As The Inquisitr shared over the weekend, Jackson won the Power of Veto competition, and this kicked off a spurt of drama among some of the other houseguests.
Obviously, Jackson would use the POV to save himself and this prompted Christie Murphy to fret over whether she should use her Panic Power so Jackson would get to pick his replacement nominee. Heading into Monday’s POV ceremony, Cliff considered Jack to be his primary target and for some time, he didn’t seem entirely sure who he’d put up in Jackson’s place to ensure that Jack was evicted.
Cliff- Bella is going up. Nick- You are putting her up? Cliff- Yeah. I just dont want to blindside you #BB21
— Big Brother Daily (@BB_Updates) July 22, 2019
Big Brother spoilers from the Twitter account @BB_Updates reveal that Cliff chose to nominate Bella Wang to take Jackson’s place. This means that Christie didn’t use her Panic Power and that Cliff may have taken a chance he’ll come to regret in putting Bella next to Jack.
Fans speculated that there were other houseguests who could have been used as pawns to ensure that Jack would be evicted Thursday night. However, Bella is not one of those obvious choices.
As Big Brother Network notes, Cliff ultimately seemed a bit intimidated by Christie’s power and how she could shake up his plans. He didn’t seem to push back against her all that hard and he left her in a position to get what she wanted and still retain her power.
Jack to Analyse/Tommy- I’m not going to say anything (to Christie). I’m not going to campaign against Bella either. I dont need to #BB21
— Big Brother Daily (@BB_Updates) July 21, 2019
Big Brother spoilers detail that Bella being nominated once Jackson took himself off the block came as a surprise to nobody, not even Bella. Nick had cautioned Cliff that this was his big chance to get rid of Jack, but Cliff seems confident that Christie will protect him with her power next week if he needs it. That’s not likely to happen, and Cliff may come to regret his HOH moves during Week 4.
Will it be Bella Wang or Jack Matthews evicted Thursday night for Week 4? Was this the house’s best and perhaps last opportunity to push Jack out of the house? So far, Big Brother 21 spoilers suggest that Bella is probably heading out the door, but a lot can change over the course of the next few days.