Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
The biggest Power of Veto competition of the season has just been completed, after a shocking Head of Household (HOH) victory. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Cliff Hogg won the fourth HOH competition of the season, and drastically shook up the house by nominating Jackson Michie and Jack Matthews for eviction. This is the first time anyone in the Gr8ful alliance has sat on the block.
It’s now being reported by Big Brother Daily’s Twitter account that Jackson walked away with the Power of Veto victory. This means he will definitely be pulling himself on the block, forcing Cliff to put up a replacement nominee. The only way the Power of Veto ceremony could be shaken up is if Christie Murphy uses her Panic Power. Christie was granted the Diamond Power of Veto, which will allow her to stop Cliff from naming the replacement himself.
The exact specifications of Christie’s power is a bit confusing, as she has described it differently to different houseguests. Currently, Jackson has been saying that he is going to put Bella Wang on the block if Christie uses her power. This would mean Christie can gift her power to someone.
According to the Big Brother Fandom page, here’s what the Diamond Power of Veto actually does.
“If granted the DPoV by the Panic Power winner, the Veto Holder has the ability to name the replacement nominee if they choose to save an initial nominee, taking that power away from the HoH.”
This means Christie does not name the replacement nominee, but the POV winner does. Jackson would now be in control of who goes on the block if she decides to use the power. She has a lot of thinking ahead of her and will have to discuss potential outcomes with her Six Shooter alliance and current HOH, Cliff. Christie has already said on the live feeds that she wants Bella to go first over Nick Maccarone, but not everyone necessarily agrees on if that’s the right order at this time.
No matter what, Jack is still on the block and has a solid chance of going home. For now, the Six Shooter alliance is still discussing putting Bella or Nick on the block and sending them home. The alliance has the numbers over the other people in the house since Cliff is ineligible to vote since he is the HOH.
The POV ceremony is expected to occur Sunday evening.
Big Brother airs every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday night on CBS.