Note: This article does not contain spoilers for Big Brother Season 21, but does discuss happenings on the live feeds.
When Julie Chen urges the houseguests in Big Brother to “expect the unexpected,” it’s because a twist can come at any point in time. The suggestion also incites paranoia in many of the houseguests, sometimes causing them to believe things are going on that actually aren’t really happening. That’s just what’s going down in the Season 21 house regarding Cliff Hogg.
According to Big Brother Network , several of the houseguests are convinced Cliff has some sort of secret power. They even believe they have the name of his power, dubbing him “America’s Player.” Part of the reason houseguests, including Christie Murphy and Nick Maccarone, believe Cliff has a secret power is because he carries Orwell the Owl around with him everywhere he goes. The roommates are convinced this is something Cliff must do as America’s Player, or it’s a task the viewers have charged him with for the week.
It’s gotten to the point that Orwell was stolen away from Cliff and hidden in the Head of Household (HOH) room, and he hasn’t been able to find it.
Of course, Cliff has absolutely no power whatsoever. He did not win the Nightmare Whacktivity power, which ultimately went to Ovi Kabir. Ovi let fellow houseguests Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie know that he won the Nightmare Power, which means most of the house should know that Cliff does not have that particular power.
Cliff’s likable nature would make him the perfect contender for America’s Player if it was an actual power. America’s Player was a twist introduced in Season 8 and was given to Eric Stein. Eric was tasked with carrying out challenges voted on by viewers throughout the season which would earn him money. He ended up making $40,000 by tasks he completed throughout the season. Dan Gheesling of Season 10 was also America’s Player but only held the title for a week.
Team America was also a major twist in Season 16, where Frankie Grande, Derrick Levasseur, and Donny Thompson completed missions together to earn money throughout the season.
At this point in time, there is no secret power in Season 21, other than the Whacktivity powers. Live feed viewers have been enjoying the houseguests making this major mistake about Cliff and have poked fun at the paranoid players.
Big Brother airs this Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.