Over the weekend, actor Cameron Boyce passed away at the age of 20-years-old. The news shocked fans of the popular star who was well-known for his roles on the Disney Channel. According to a report from Us Weekly , Boyce’s dad Victor Boyce spoke out about the death of his son via Twitter and thanked everyone for the outpouring of “love and support” during the difficult time.
“I’m overwhelmed with the love and support our family has received. It really does help to ease the pain of this nightmare I can’t wake up from. I can’t thank you guys enough.”
Boyce passed away on Saturday, July 6. The actor suffered a seizure in his sleep according to a spokesperson who confirmed his passing to Us Weekly.
“He passed away in his sleep due to a seizure which was a result of an ongoing medical condition for which he was being treated. The world is now undoubtedly without one of its brightest lights, but his spirit will live on through the kindness and compassion of all who knew and loved him.”
Since his passing, many of Cameron’s co-stars have spoken out. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Adam Sandler shared an Instagram post about Boyce. The two appeared together in the movie Grown Ups . Sandler took to his Instagram account to share a black and white photo of Boyce and to express his sadness at the news of the young actor’s passing.
Boyce’s on-screen mother on Grown Ups , Salma Hayek, also shared a post in honor of Boyce. Hayek took to Instagram to share a series of photos and wrote that it was a “privilege” to work with the young actor in both Grown Ups and Grown Ups 2 . The photos posted by Hayek showed the two in the movies together.
Peyton Leigh, his co-star on the Disney Channel show Jessie , took to Twitter to share some sweet words as she remembered her co-star. On the show, the two played siblings.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Debby Ryan who also starred on Jessie alongside Boyce, shared a tribute to her co-star. However, she didn’t put her feelings into words. Rather, she shared a video to her social media which showed Boyce’s humanitarian work.
Cameron Boyce starred on Jessie which aired on the Disney Channel from 2011-2015. He played the character of Luke Ross. However, that wasn’t his only Disney Channel show. He was also apart of the popular Descendants franchise. On Descendants , he played Carlos de Vil.