Former The Real Housewives of Orange County star Meghan King Edmonds has had quite the tumultuous couple of months. It was revealed a few weeks ago that Meghan’s husband, Jim Edmonds, had an inappropriate relationship with a woman on Instagram but denied that the two had never gotten physical with one another. Meghan addressed the scandal in a blog on her personal website, and also addressed that one of her twin boys was suffering from some sort of neurological disorder.
Now in a new blog, Meghan is revealing the diagnosis for her son Hart, and the results are nothing short of heartbreaking.
“Hart has minor Periventricular Leukomalacia on both sides of his brain (namely the white matter), but more so on his right. [The pediatrician] said that this explains all of my concerns: the rigidity in his muscles, the (somewhat) delayed physical milestones, the lack of fluidity with arm and leg movements, the stiffness in joints, the weakness in his lower back, the somewhat favored use of his right side,” Meghan explained.
Shortly after giving the rundown of his condition, Meghan explained that Hart could eventually be diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The condition can cause weak muscles, poor coordination skills and tremors. Meghan then made a bold statement regarding her son’s condition.
“Hart has irreversible brain damage, it’s called PVL.”
Meghan noted that she and Jim went out to dinner together on the night of Hart’s diagnosis, and it was one of the first times they had been out together in a while. At the dinner, the pair discussed the news regarding Hart, and Meghan remained positive and told her husband that they weren’t “punished” by having a child with special needs.
“I will go on about this another time but just know that I do not see his diagnosis as anything but a gift: we were chosen to take on this special person. I truly feel as if we’ve doubled down and won the underdog hand. Truly,” Megan confidently explained.
Meghan also said in her blog that she was “praying for a miracle,” and was listening to God as he took her on this journey with Hart. She admitted to being sad and understanding the challenge that was to come with her son while also noting that she felt guilty.
The condition normally occurs in preemie babies, but the Edmonds twins were not born prematurely. Meghan’s doctor assumed the damage in Hart’s brain occurred a few months before he was born at 37 weeks.
Fans of Meghan’s continue to support her online and hope to see her back on RHOC in the future.