Big Brother 21 player Ovi Kabir’s chances of staying in the CBS summertime house are not looking good. After he was put on the chopping block as a replacement nominee for Cliff Hogg III after this week’s Power of Veto competition, Ovi’s previously earned Nightmare Power—which would normally allow him to wreak havoc on a Head of Household’s reign—was deemed worthless.
When he won the special Nightmare Power in Big Brother’s first-ever Whackyivity competition — a nasty smells comp called “That Stinks”— Ovi was told that after any of the first six nomination ceremonies, the secret power could be used to wake up everyone in the middle of the night and force the HOH to select two new nominations, making the previous two people safe. In addition, nobody would know who used the power, so Ovi would get no blood on his hands.
In a desperate attempt to try to save himself after this week’s POV ceremony, Ovi came clean about his secret Big Brothe r power, but unfortunately, he angered HOH Christie Murphy in the process.
The whole mess played out on the CBS live feeds, according to Gold Derby , and now things look really dire for Ovi after houseguest Nicole Anthony clued him in to the fact that the votes probably won’t land in his favor.
In a final-ditch attempt to save himself, Ovi told Big Brother bros, Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie, all of the details about his nightmare power, and he also promised to use it to take both off the block if they are nominated together, which, let’s face it, isn’t a far-fetched scenario. Ovi told the duo that he could be their “real shield” as he explained how the secret power works.
“I won the Nightmare Power. That power is for the next six weeks. If two people are put on the block, I can decide to have them come off the block and they are safe. … If someone tries to put you guys up, I will use my power to bring you guys down.”
Of course, this news was enough to get the Jacks to begin campaigning in Ovi’s favor to get rid of his fellow nominee, Kathryn Dunn, instead. They shook on the deal and went to try to sway votes Ovi’s way. But unfortunately, the Jacks also told Murphy about Ovi’s power, and that’s when the HOH became mad that he didn’t approach her with his secret first.
“That shows me that he would never use it to save me because he didn’t tell me about it. I don’t feel comfortable with a power like that. Get the f**k out.”
Christie shot down the Jacks’ attempts to convince her that saving Ovi is the right move, and she fired back to say that she wants him out now and that if he ever returned to the house in a Battle Back challenge, she would immediately expose his power and re-evict him.
On his Big Brother bio on , Ovi revealed that his strategy for winning Big Brother was to “not get any votes until finale night in which I hope to sweep the board.”
Ovi also teased that he planned to create a core alliance of strong houseguests and then befriend other players on the outskirts that he could connect with on a more personal level. Unfortunately, Ovi may have talked to too many of his Big Brother housemates too soon—or at least talked to the wrong ones.
Of course, this is Big Brother, so anything could change. But there’s nothing worse than a wasted twist so early in the game, and even if Ovi Kabir stays in the BB21 house, his secret power is now ruined.
Big Brother 21’s first live eviction airs Wednesday, July 3 on CBS.