Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska often updates fans with photos of her kids, and over the weekend, she shared a sweet photo of her 2-year-old son and also revealed that her youngest daughter turned 10-months-old.
Chelsea shared the photo of Watson to Instagram , which she captioned “summer vibes.” In the photo, Chelsea’s young son is sitting in a chair while eating a red popsicle. The chair has a canopy as well as a fan clipped onto the armrest so that Watson can beat the summer heat.
The mom of three also shared that her youngest daughter, Layne, recently turned 10-months-old. In a series of photos posted to Instagram , Chelsea shared the photos of Layne next to a sign that said “Ten Months.” In one photo, Layne sits at on a blanket next to the sign smiling. In another, she is touching the letters on the sign. In another photo, she starts to roll over.
With the adorable pictures, Chelsea wrote, “This describes 10 months perfectly.”
It is hard to believe that Chelsea’s youngest daughter is already 10-months-old. On the most recent season of Teen Mom 2 , fans watched as Chelsea was ready to give birth to her baby girl. She and her husband, Cole DeBoer, welcomed the little girl on August 29, which just happens to be Chelsea’s birthday as well.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , the couple hasn’t ruled out having more kids. In fact, Chelsea has been open about the fact that she wants more kids. During a question-and-answer session on Instagram, a fan asked the mom of three if she wants to have more kids, and Chelsea replied, “Yes!”
Audiences were introduced to Chelsea Houska on her Season 2 episode of 16 and Pregnant. On the episode, Chelsea found out she was pregnant with her oldest daughter, Aubree. The relationship with Aubree’s dad did not work out, and Chelsea eventually met Cole. The couple married in 2016 and welcomed their first child together in January 2017. In March 2018, Chelsea revealed that she and Cole were expecting another baby together and revealed that they were having a baby girl.
Chelsea has been sharing her life with viewers on Teen Mom 2 for nearly a decade. The mom of three is reportedly filming for Season 9B of the show, along with the rest of the cast, which will air on MTV at a later date. For now, fans can tune in on Monday nights for all-new episodes of Teen Mom OG .