Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21, including HOH and POV winners.
Big Brother is in full swing as Week 1 comes to a close. A Head of Household (HOH) has been crowned, they have named two nominees for eviction, and the Power of Veto (POV) competition has been played. Christie Murphy nominated Cliff Hogg III and Kathryn Dunn for eviction, and Sam Smith won the POV. For now, the plan is to backdoor Kemi Faknule, but houseguests have been discussing other options.
Outside of the business in the Big Brother house, friendships are starting to form within and outside of alliances. In addition to those friendships, some romantic moments have also gone down, and Big Brother Daily ( BBD ) is reporting on one of the season’s hookups.
According to the BBD Day 10 recap, Nick Maccarone and Isabella “Bella” Wong made out under the covers of their bed on an unidentified night. Nick made the confession to Sam while saying he was “feeling Bella for a minute.”
Sam made a comment to Nick during their conversation that he thinks Analyse Talavera might be into him (Nick) because of the way she stares into his eyes when they talk. Nick noted he’d be lucky to have either Bella or Analyse, but he doesn’t think the latter likes him the way Sam believes she does.
Nick and Bella are currently in “The Six” alliance along with Jackson Michie, Jack Matthews, and Christie. That alliance is also within a larger alliance known as the “The Eight” with Analyse and Tommy.
Big Brother Network is reporting another romantic encounter took place before the live-feeds were turned on. Jackson and Kathryn allegedly hooked up early on in the house, but it was later revealed that the Camp Director wasn’t really interested in his hookup buddy. Despite not feeling Kathryn, Jackson is still going along with the plan to backdoor Kemi even though he could get Kathryn out since she’s currently on the block.
Despite there being two hookups so far in the house, the encounters don’t appear to be more than that. The pairs are not in any sort of showmance, and most of the house isn’t privy to these two hookups at this time.
The POV meeting has not yet taken place to see if Sam will use his power to bring down either Cliff or Kathryn.
Big Brother airs this Sunday at 8 p.m. EST. Episodes follow on Tuesday and Wednesday, both at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.