Warning: This article contains spoilers for Big Brother Season 21.
Big Brother Season 21 has officially kicked off and Week 1 is already proving that it will be one crazy summer. The two-night premiere debuted the camp director twist, which would give a voted-upon houseguest the responsibility of banishing four other players. Those four players would battle it out, with the last-place houseguest being sent home. Host Julie Chen revealed the eliminated houseguest wasn’t necessarily gone, meaning David Alexander is still in the game after being sent away by director Jackson Michie.
The two-night premiere also revealed the first Head of Household (HOH) of the season. New Yorker Christie Murphy dominated an endurance comp and nabbed the HOH. Now, Big Brother Daily ( BBD ) has revealed who Christine has nominated for eviction. BBD is a live feeds Twitter account which documents houseguests’ conversations 24 hours a day. Even though fans don’t get to see a nomination ceremony play out on the live feeds, their conversations afterward can’t hide what happened.
According to BBD , Christie nominated Cliff Hogg III and Kathryn Dunn. These houseguests were rumored to be the two nominees for the week when audio leaked on the live feeds before the show even debuted. Now it can be confirmed that Cliff and Kathryn are facing eviction.
Rumblings on the live feeds, however, are proving that neither Cliff or Kathryn are the targets for the week and a backdoor plan is already in motion for Week 1. It looks like Kemi Faknule is going to be backdoored if the houseguests have their way. Conversations also suggested that the house doesn’t like Kemi or Ovi Kabir, who seems like he will be the target for Week 2.
The only way Kemi can keep herself from going home is if she is selected to play in the Power of Veto (POV) competition and wins. Of course, plans change by the minute in the Big Brother house and new players can become the next target at any time.
Kemi did say, however, that she hoped she wasn’t picked to play in the POV competition, and that if she was picked, she planned to throw it. Kemi admitted she didn’t want to have the conversations that follow when one wins a POV competition, seeming like she wants to stay out of the drama early in the season.
Big Brother airs this Sunday at 8 p.m. EST. Episodes will follow on Tuesday and Wednesday, both at 8 p.m. EST. To see the full schedule for Big Brother , head over to The Inquisitr’s timeline here .