Big Brother fans already know a twist is coming for season 21, and some of them think they know what it is. Amid the recent news that the 21 st season of the CBS summertime reality show will be camp-themed, some sleuthing fans of the franchise think the houseguests will be monitored by camp counselors—AKA Big Brother veterans.
CBS recently announced that the Big Brother 21 house has been designed with a summer camp theme and that the season will feature “a first of its kind twist that will force houseguests to rethink how they play the game,” according to TV Guide . Viewers have also noted that Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves described one of the Season 21 bedrooms as “a camp counselor’s dream,” which has caused some superfans to speculate that the recently announced 16-member cast won’t be the only people glamping in the BB21 house.
Several fans posted polls to Twitter asking their followers to weigh in on the probability that veterans will return to be camp counselors for Big Brother 21. More than 70 percent of fans agreed that a vets twist could be happening. Other Big Brother viewers gave their opinions on a veterans twist, with some saying they can’t wait for it and others vowing to not watch the show if past players are brought back in.
You can see some of the viewer reaction to the possible Big Brother “camp counselors” twist below.
Will production ??us by having vets somehow included (aka: camp counselors) in this season? #BB21
— VirgoBaker (@VirgoBaker) June 21, 2019
20 place settings total at the table + counter = 4 camp counselors right ??? #bb21
— BB Feeds Fairy #BB25 (@BBFeedsFairy) June 21, 2019
If we’re doing camp counselors I *REALLY* might be out on this season. Like you could not find a worse combo for me. Teams, night one evictions, and vets are all no gos in my house. #BB21
— Rob || Pro-Democracy (@RealityRobbed) June 21, 2019
Camping…so they are bringing people back as camp counselors?! I cannot wait for the 25th!! #BB21
— Jenn Plemmons (@jennplemmons) June 21, 2019
While the addition of veterans to this season’s game remains to be seen, here’s what Big Brother fans know for sure. The first competition of the season is called “Camp B.B.” and will feature the 16 houseguests navigating through a dark forest with no flashlights to find the correct Big Brother “camp,” according to report by The Cheat Sheet .
In addition, Julie Chen Moonves told Entertainment Tonight the newly renovated Big Brother house is “all about camp,” as can be seen by the vintage trailer set piece and the campfire in the middle of the kitchen table.
And of course, one of the buzziest accents in the Big Brother 21 house is the three large steel sculptures of elk in the living room, which Julie Chen cryptically teased could be hiding something.
“Now, there are no cameras in them,” the Big Brother host said. “They’re not alive, but this is Big Brother , so they always could be watching.”
Big Brother Season 21 premieres Tuesday, June 25 at 8 p.m. on CBS.