Even as the United States appears on a course toward a new war against Iran, as CBS News reports, and “thousands” of migrant children remain separated from their families due to Donald Trump’s policies, per NBC News , Trump himself is preparing to spend two nights next week watching the first Democratic presidential debates — and live-tweeting his reactions.
Trump “is tentatively planning to live-tweet the debates on June 26-27, according to people familiar with the planning,” The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday. The Journal also reported that Trump’s top political advisers oppose the idea of live-tweeting the debates and have urged Trump to take an above-the-fray approach to the Democratic race, which includes a record 24 candidates hoping to secure the nomination to take on Trump in the November 2020 general election.
Only 20 of those candidates will be included in the debates, with 10 taking the stage each night on June 26 and June 27, according to a CNN report. Of the top five candidates as determined using polls compiled by Real Clear Politics , only one — Elizabeth Warren — will appear on the first night of the debates. The other four — Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and Pete Buttigieg — will square off along with six others on the second night.
By live-tweeting the debates, Trump hopes to make his “presence more tangible by directly inserting himself” into the Democratic campaign, according to The Journal . But no one at the Trump campaign would comment on or confirm the report, according to The Hill .
Live-tweeting the debates may also reflect Trump’s hope to gain ground on the leading Democrats, most of whom lead Trump in head-to-head polling matchups. According to polling averages compiled by Real Clear Politics , Biden leads Trump by 8.7 points, while Sanders leads by 6.2 points. Warren also leads Trump in the national polling average by 3.2 percentage points, and Harris enjoys a 2.8 point average lead over Trump.
Trump, however, has simply refused to acknowledge — at least publicly — that he trails in the polls. On Monday, he took to his Twitter account to claim that “only Fake Polls” show him trailing Democrats. His campaign’s own internal polls “show us leading in all 17 Swing States,” Trump claimed in a separate Twitter post.
In fact, as The Inquisitr has reported, leaked internal polls from the Trump campaign show Trump behind Biden is almost every “swing state,” that is, a state not considered a certain victory for either Trump or his Democratic opponent.
After the disastrous internal polling numbers leaked to the media, Trump responded by firing three of the polling agencies who had been hired to conduct his campaign’s private polling, according to a CNN report.