A lot of wrestling fans may lose track of some of their favorite superstars after they are no longer a part of WWE. When their time with Vince McMahon’s company comes to an end, some fans simply don’t watch other promotions and their memories merely fade. One former popular star in NXT and on the main roster has brought an end to his career and he’s officially wrestled his last-ever match.
It’s really difficult to say that “retirement” means much in the world of professional wrestling as so many have done it and come back. Still, there are those who hang up the boots and vow never to return to the ring and end up keeping to their word.
In the case of Adam Rose, he had so much potential that was simply never reached in WWE and he never hit the level that many thought he would. Problems with how he was booked, his out-of-the-ring personal issues, and the wishy-washy nature of the fans didn’t help matters either.
Now, the longtime veteran of the wrestling ring is done and there is a very good possibility that he’s not going to ever step back in the ring as active competitor. On Friday night, Rose stepped into the ring for the last time and faced another former NXT superstar in Bull Games (Dempsey) for his retirement match.
Adam Rose tapped out to Bull James in the main event of the Atomic Revolutionary Wrestling’s Star Spangled Slammer event in Rose’s retirement match. pic.twitter.com/KotXpQp2Pq
— WrestlingINC.com (@WrestlingInc) June 15, 2019
As reported by Wrestling Inc. , the match may not have gone the way that Rose wanted as everyone wants to exit that ring with a victory. Still, it was a heartfelt moment filled with a lot of emotion from those who have followed his career and still see him as a valuable asset to the sport.
The event was the Star Spangled Slammer for Atomic Revolutionary Wrestling and Rose ended up tapping out to James in the center of the ring. After it was all over, wrestlers surrounded the ring to applaud him and the crowd chanted “Thank You, Adam” in appreciation.
Bull James then took the mic and said Rose was always there for him during their time in NXT and he appreciated him. Rose took the mic to thank James and acknowledge former FCW and TNA wrestler Wes Briscoe who was in attendance at the event.
Adam Rose Says He Was An Idiot During The Last Days Of His WWE Run https://t.co/lWRjnmMM7V pic.twitter.com/1jg82LOGhV
— Still Real To Us (@stillreal2us) June 14, 2019
Rose did speak with the Orlando Sentinel earlier this week as his retirement match approached. He admitted that the way he acted during his final days in WWE were huge mistakes, but he was also very unhappy.
“I was an idiot at the end – a moron, a bumbling buffoon. I made mistake after mistake, a lot of them out of self-sabotage because I was so unhappy. I developed a drug addiction and just acted out in every way. The fact that WWE let me leave on what I consider good terms and helped me get clean is a miracle.”
After more than two decades in the ring, Adam Rose has called an end to his career in professional wrestling. That’s not to say that he won’t come back one day for some reason or another, but the former NXT and WWE superstar is moving on.