Despite losing the support of prominent Republican leaders and donors after calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump — as The Inquisitr reported — libertarian-leaning Republican Justin Amash appears to be standing firm in his beliefs that the president obstructed justice during the 2016 presidential elections.
On Tuesday, Amash took to Twitter to write 25 posts in which he accuses Attorney General William Barr of misrepresenting the findings of Robert Mueller during the Special Counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 general elections. Per Politico , Amash believes that Barr “used his position to sell the president’s false narrative to the American people.”
Amash claims that Barr’s March 24 letter explaining his reasoning for not indicting Trump for obstruction of justice “selectively quotes and summarizes points in Mueller’s report in misleading ways.” He points to the fact that Mueller’s report explicitly states that the decision not to indict Trump was due to the Department of Justice (DOJ) opinion that it is unconstitutional, as well as the possibility of impacting the president’s governing abilities.
“Barr’s letter doesn’t mention those issues when explaining why Mueller chose not to make a prosecutorial decision. He instead selectively quotes Mueller in a way that makes it sound — falsely — as if Mueller’s decision stemmed from legal/factual issues specific to Trump’s actions.”
Attorney General William Barr “deliberately misrepresented key aspects of Mueller’s report” to create a false narrative about Trump’s obstruction, says @JustinAmash
— reason (@reason) May 28, 2019
Afterward, Amash highlights the fact that Mueller found many cases in which Trump’s actions meet elements of obstruction. But the Michigan Congressman also points out that finding evidence of obstruction didn’t matter, because Mueller would not have indicted the president due to his constitutional and prudential issues.
Amash also says that when Barr was explaining why the president’s attempt to obstruct the investigation was not sufficient to establish obstruction, he selectively quotes Mueller to mislead the public and give the impression that Mueller’s analysis is more in line with his than it was in reality.
During the rest of the thread, Amash lists other examples that he believes show how Barr misrepresented the findings of the Mueller report.
“Barr has so far successfully used his position to sell the president’s false narrative to the American people”
“This will continue if those who have read the report do not start pushing back on his misrepresentations and share the truth,” he concluded.
As The Inquisitr reported, Mueller gave a statement Wednesday in which he said that he did not indict Trump for obstruction of justice due to policy, confirming that the president would not have been charged regardless of the findings of the Special Counsel report.